
> > CS2D > Maps > de_lab

Englisch de_lab >

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alt de_lab

crazy junkman Wolfgang
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Sup us . Today I'm representing my verry first bomb defuse map.

This map was originaly intended to be coop, and it will be, but since it has good layout (at least i think so) for pvp, i decided to do litle redesign and convert it into bomb defuse map (altho maybe could be used for zombie mode aswell).

Spoiler >

Long story short, here are some pics, and enjoy map:

° ° ° litle update ° ° °
Spoiler >

° ° ° new update ° ° °
Spoiler >
5× editiert, zuletzt 09.03.17 19:16:09
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Nice to see a new map from you
Ich mag es!


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hey its nice that you make de_ maps
Ich mag es!


crazy junkman Wolfgang
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@user _-098-: thanks... and precisely, map maybe needs some tweaks, but I'd rather not do that since I'm not good tactician and would create more complicated mess than already is



Looks quite decent. Nice work. Only thing bothering me are the obstacles that look like their only purpose is to delay the player from going to the intended location, but i can understand as you said its a remade coop map.
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I'm not even going to talk about if it is balanced or not as you already specified, that means we all should rate its outlook. Generally it is not that bad but in some areas, I can see so many things are used wrongly. While maping, it is not just about placing the current tiles, it is also about changing existing tiles or adding new ones as how does your map need.
Ich mag es!

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Good map!
Ich mag es!
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