
> > CS2D > Maps > coop mario adventure two

Englisch coop mario adventure two >

4 Kommentare109 kb, 430 Downloads

alt coop mario adventure two

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this is coop map u must do with 3 - 6 player or it will be hard story: mario found him self on a destroyed ship near a castle witch is not finished city was in castle cuz the city wasnt done. ??? captured prince and joe and joe change his name from joen to joe cuz he thinked its was a girl name and hes a
boy snyways if u dont know ??? was an easter egg in first version btw there was more easter eggs and he was invisible now hes visible :p feel free to host this map dont edit without my permission
credits :
zygintas - making the map
??? - i dont know who made the mario tiles i would put to credit but i dont know who created it if u find him tell my his name to put into credits ps: he made mario death run
thanks for downloading and commenting mario adventure 3 soon
dont forget to set game mode to standart cuz team death match makes alot of spam
4× editiert, zuletzt 12.12.10 09:23:41
Zugelassen von GeoB99

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109 kb, 430 Downloads


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bad idiot only 1 5 rate but i make you life sh*t


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u press near the rating download button and thats it


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It's so Awesome Man But how i download it
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