
> > CS2D > Maps > Kowloon MapPack

Englisch Kowloon MapPack >

11 Kommentare179 kb, 394 Downloads

alt Kowloon MapPack

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For those who don't know, Kowloon is an urban area/place in HongKong.

I made this map because of the map Kowloon on Call of Duty 7. It is not a remake, and I did not add rain simply because it is annoying.

Took me about 2 hours from start to finish (here) and I'm pretty happy with it.
It contains:
Tiles: Guitorres
Mapping by Fizzykil
Have Fun!
Screenshot 3 = DE
Screenshot 4 = AIM
Screenshot 5 = AWP
MapExports came out Low Quality, don't know why
7× editiert, zuletzt 12.07.11 20:41:10
Zugelassen von GeoB99

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179 kb, 394 Downloads


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Soul King
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these map they look good!
Ich mag es!


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That was a joke don't act silly, your maps are great.
Ich mag es!


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uhm. not sure what to say from the previews. maybe i'll try out later


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You seem to have used the roof tiles wrong.


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"inferno_source"? I used de_cbble - but if thats what it says I'll change it.
..Wanna explain that a bit more? Plus, you obviously didn't read the description and you haven't downloaded it. Lazy.
MapExports came out Low Quality, don't know why
The rooves do look horrible on the screenshot, want to actually try it before giving me such a shit rating for a lot of time spent?


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My eyes hurt because of the roofs x_x
Ich mag es!


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Aaah, I finally got the real tileset. Now it's pretty senseless to put the de_cbble.bmp file into the package, right?
Now, a comment to the maps:
First, great layout for all maps. It is fun. Thanks for another good bombdefuse map.

Some point of critism is pure graphical: First: The background does look like shit because it doesn't scroll with map. Make the background scroll with map please
Second: The roofs do INDEED hurt my eyes (a bit). I think it is because the roof corners are messed up a bit. You put a convex part where there should be a concave roof tile and vice-versa. The roof tiles, at some points, don't really fit to the neighbor roof tiles. A roof goes up where it should go down and so on. Well, I think you just have to try a bit around with this stuff, until you have clear roofs without these strange convex-concave conflicts. Well, there are many roof parts in the tile set, lol.
Third: For De_Kowloon, you forgot the files A.jpg and B.jpg. So I don't see the A and B on the map like on the screenshot. Please add them to the archive.
Fouth: The tiles that look like metal plates don't make any sound if you walk on it. I think they should make a metal sound and not no sound. Tiles without walking sounds are almost always a bad idea because it kinda messes up gameplay in Fog of War mode (unless it is a carpet tile ;)). Probably there are more floor tiles without sound, better check through your tileset and give all floor tiles a sound. It would improve the gameplay.
Well, that sounds like a lot of critism but indeed its not. Its just small issues which you can fix fast and cause me to not give this map pack perfect rating.
The maps are indeed very fun to play.

Here's my old comment:
× Fail.

Reason: Maps don't load. In the console it says the tileset "inferno_source.bmp" is missing. Indeed, there is a tileset named "de_cbble.bmp" in the zip file, which is obviously the wrong tileset.

Give me the real tileset please, then I change this rating.
Ich mag es!
1× editiert, zuletzt 13.07.11 00:31:03


R a G e
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He made that , am I correct nichita?


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I'll put you in credits if you're sure - I think a lot of the tiles are from the 'source' tiles.


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I think the edge wall tiles and some obstacles are mine, that's strange.


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good maps i like the first one
Ich mag es!
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