
> > CS2D > Maps > de_christmas2(whis tiles)

Englisch de_christmas2(whis tiles) >

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alt de_christmas2(whis tiles)

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Hi all. This is my second version of this map.
1 screen: Base ct
2 screen: Base t
Have fun!!!
1× editiert, zuletzt 28.09.11 15:47:48
Abgelehnt von GeoB99
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I agree with Sgt_Seris. The only good thing about the map is the titles and you didn't even use them properly.

alt Bored nice map

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@Sgt_Seris the guy who created the tiles can ask him to put credits and u dont need to ask him twice plus he doesnt know who created them i guess ontopic: looks very nice dont worry i wont use flamethrower *evil laugh* 5/5
Ich mag es!


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i dont like the map and i dont think game play isw going to be good+-1 rate cos where are the CREDITS?its not like u made the tiles.
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