
> > CS2D > Maps > invisible_fight

Englisch invisible_fight >

22 Kommentare168 kb, 423 Downloads

alt invisible_fight

crazy junkman Wolfgang
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So i decided to create pvp map, and its an tricky one.
In this map white tiles with dots are animated, so it is hard to spot player that wear stealth suit.

Only 2 stealth suits per team avaible on each round.
There are few weapons avaible, 1x machete, 1x molotov, inf m4, inf ak47, inf deagle, 2 scout, 2 awp and 2 HE equaly far away from each spawn site (except for ak47 and m4, theese are near tr/ct spawn)

Take it, download it, edit it, just remember me once in a while...

I hope you like it
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Well the floor tiles looks ugly, but they effective as it seems... The idea was nice but the map itself is ugly.
If you can solve this, you'll get my like.


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I̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶i̶t̶
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