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English Free Stranded II 3D Models

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High detail with high poly count models (Anaconda)
16.13% (10)
High detail models through texturing (Drum)
66.13% (41)
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6.45% (4)
Low detail models through texturing (Paper)
11.29% (7)
62 votes cast

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

User Off Offline

Done a teddy bear.


Download is 2nd to last item on first post.


Another one I started a while ago for someone. This has quite a high poly count. You can see why in the screenshots.

Bamboo Bird Cage


Download is last item on first post.
edited 1×, last 03.10.10 11:15:54 am

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

Spicy Night Owl
User On Online

Sorry to ask so much but can you make me
an MP5
a crowbar
a glock
a pulse rifle
a shotgun shell
a revovler
a shotgun
a crossbow
a Hivehand
and a grenade
I dont care when all this is done. Please click on the links to see what the guns look like. Even if you know what they look like I want them like the ones in the link.
EDIT: Nevermind I dont need a revolver, I didnt see the one on the first page. That one will do fine.

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

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Ecorp99 has written
Sorry to ask so much but can you make me
an MP5
a crowbar
a glock
a pulse rifle
a shotgun shell
a revovler
a shotgun
a crossbow
a Hivehand
and a grenade
I dont care when all this is done. Please click on the links to see what the guns look like. Even if you know what they look like I want them like the ones in the link.
EDIT: Nevermind I dont need a revolver, I didnt see the one on the first page. That one will do fine.

So you want me to basically rip off half-life? Well, I'm kinda against that kind of thing. But as for your requests, here's my verdict:

MP5: Google "free mp5 model" and just have a look at how many there is.
Crowbar: Yeah, I can do that. About 30 min job.
Glock: See MP5
Pulse Rifle: I could make one, but I don't want to make one like the one you suggested. I hate plagurism.
Shotgun Shell: See Crowbar
Shotgun: There's already one in the game and many models on google.
Crossbow: Again, this is in the game under the name "Arbalest"
Hivehand: See Pulse Rifle
Grenade: Again... google...

So from your list, most you can get for free and some are already in the game, I could quickly whip up a crowbar and a shotgun shell if you want.

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

Spicy Night Owl
User On Online

Its not plaigurism i need it for a mod. And I need a pistol grip black pump action shotgun, and as for the crossbow I guess I could use the model in game but I would prefer a black one. And a million times thank you. Oh, and its been said before that if you use some things from half life or base something off of it (or any other valve game) its legal you just cant sell it. CS2D is legal and its based off of CS. This mod along with the models will be legal because its just based off of half life.
edited 1×, last 05.10.10 12:32:20 am

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

User Off Offline

I have read into the legality, and creating mods based on the engine is legal, however, copying textures, models and other things is still illegal. But if I were to make these, although they would be based-upon, they wouldn't be derivative works, so maybe, but if you read back a little, someone just asked me to make an M1 Carbine, which will consume quite a bit of my time for the forseeable future. However, I will bang out a quick crowbar and shotgun shell.


OK, so I started work on the shotgun shell and googled "shotgun shell" for images as references... and found this...

Guy giving away free ammo models...

So one of the first hits for "shotgun shell" is a free model... You could have saved me and yourself a lot of time waiting by simply googling it. I'm slightly offended that you haven't done as I suggested, but once I start something, I will finish, so a shotgun shell will be here soon, but if I google crowbar and find a free model, I'll ignore the rest of your requests until you can bring me something that hasn't already been done for free. I hate reinventing the wheel and I'm sure you don't want to have to wait until I pop out a few other people's models, do some updates on SIIMV etc...


Ok, so shotgun shell is finished. I provided 2 models in the package. A single shell and a cluster of 3 as a "pickup" item. Screenshots are from the "pickup" model.


I did a google search for "free crowbar model" and got loads of hits. Saw some pretty good ones. When you've googled everything else and it's not available elsewhere, then ask me.
edited 2×, last 05.10.10 09:24:48 am

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

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@Ecorp99, you'd be amazed at how much people give away. Hell, I got 29 free models here.

thecode has written

I know you are busy but could you make me a tomato plant if you have time for that?


If you do not have time or if you do not want, it will be okay


I could, but wouldn't you want a plant without tomatoes? Then why not use the vine that's already in the game. It's used for both grapes and hemp plants. I'm sure you could adapt it for tomatoes. If you really want though, I will, but I really need to get started on this M1 Carbine and it might take me a while so I can't say when I will get round to it.

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

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Psytechnic has written
@Ecorp99, you'd be amazed at how much people give away. Hell, I got 29 free models here.

thecode has written

I know you are busy but could you make me a tomato plant if you have time for that?


If you do not have time or if you do not want, it will be okay


Hemp is using other model, not Vine model, do you know that?

I could, but wouldn't you want a plant without tomatoes? Then why not use the vine that's already in the game. It's used for both grapes and hemp plants. I'm sure you could adapt it for tomatoes. If you really want though, I will, but I really need to get started on this M1 Carbine and it might take me a while so I can't say when I will get round to it.

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

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Vectar666 has written
Hemp is using other model, not Vine model, do you know that?

Ah no, I didn't. But surely the theory still stands. You could create a new plant with the old model in script. Instead of spawning hemp leaves, spawn tomatoes. ;p

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

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Psytechnic has written
Vectar666 has written
Hemp is using other model, not Vine model, do you know that?

Ah no, I didn't. But surely the theory still stands. You could create a new plant with the old model in script. Instead of spawning hemp leaves, spawn tomatoes. ;p


How to spawn the tomatoes please ?

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

User Off Offline

Psytechnic has written
Vectar666 has written
Hemp is using other model, not Vine model, do you know that?

Ah no, I didn't. But surely the theory still stands. You could create a new plant with the old model in script. Instead of spawning hemp leaves, spawn tomatoes. ;p

It would still need a model clever guy
Ya'see,Hemp is harvested by destroying the plant whereas grape is the thing that is "picked up"
He could use the grape wine model and modify the script to give tomato
now that is clever

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

User Off Offline

Vibhor has written
Psytechnic has written
Vectar666 has written
Hemp is using other model, not Vine model, do you know that?

Ah no, I didn't. But surely the theory still stands. You could create a new plant with the old model in script. Instead of spawning hemp leaves, spawn tomatoes. ;p

It would still need a model clever guy
Ya'see,Hemp is harvested by destroying the plant whereas grape is the thing that is "picked up"
He could use the grape wine model and modify the script to give tomato
now that is clever

That was the kind of thing I was aiming for, but I've been awake over 40 hours and thinking ain't exactly working in my favour, but you seem interested, so why not make a model for him yourself? I'm sure he'd appreciate it.

oh and...

Vibhor has written
clever guy

that just ain't nice. I was trying to give him some inspiration.

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

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DontKnowToScript has written
you can modify the spawned fruit by the definition "spawn" on plants. check the definiton page on the S2 website and translate it.

Yeah, that was the kind of thing we were hinting at. ;p

but at the moment, someone just sent me a CPU killer, but after a lengthy battle, I kept it out of the MBR at cost to my OS, but that means I've had to completely reinstall... So modelling is gonna be on hold for a while... Some people on the net are so nice...

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

User Off Offline

Psytechnic has written
DontKnowToScript has written
you can modify the spawned fruit by the definition "spawn" on plants. check the definiton page on the S2 website and translate it.

Yeah, that was the kind of thing we were hinting at. ;p

but at the moment, someone just sent me a CPU killer, but after a lengthy battle, I kept it out of the MBR at cost to my OS, but that means I've had to completely reinstall... So modelling is gonna be on hold for a while... Some people on the net are so nice...

Urgh sorry for you. but BTW,how do you fight a virus in a "lenghty" battle?

old Re: Free Stranded II 3D Models

User Off Offline

Well, if you know what you're doing, you can try diagnose, discover, unhook and manually remove a malicious program depending on how it was coded in the first place. It's kind of like human heuristics and although it sounds simple, it really isn't. You have to know what tools to use to access many areas of the OS that most people never see and there's no guarentee you will succeed. It's kind of like trying mop up a puddle on the floor in a pitch black room with only a keyring torch to guide your way.

(That's the quick explanation, I'm not even going to try typing the method. I could make a book out of it. ;p)

I've compiled the current collection of models into a small pack that contains the B3d files, textures, some icons and readmes (which contain the information about what textures the models use). I've uploaded it to the UnrealSoftware file archive to make it easier for people to download.
Here's the link:
and I've put it on the first post too.
edited 1×, last 01.11.10 11:38:30 am

old Restating legal copyrights to my models

User Off Offline

I posted here the other day, I'm sure. Was my post deleted by a moderator? I haven't recieved any warnings about it...

Basically, the general message was: Because you haven't provided any licensing information, I can't use your apple, and nor can anyone else without your express permission. Licensing information must be packaged with the product or atleast linked to by the product. If you want me to add the apple to the pack, you're gonna have to license it. Which leads me to a very good point.

My license/rights/legal position on my models

I declair all my models, excluding any textures I have used from Stranded II (Thanks to the great DC for letting me use them), to be part of the the Public Domain . Any other texture is my own and I declair them to be public domain too and waive any copyrights I may have so that anyone can do anything with my models without worrying about asking me for permission. It's hard enough when a modder has to ask another modder for permission, but asking model makers and texture creators takes even more time.

Making mod shouldn't be a chore, it should be fun and inspiring. I'm making my own homebrew mod, completely free from any other influences. When it's more interesting, I'll give it to you all under the same licenses granted by Stranded II in accordance with DC's wishes, but will waives as many rights as I can. All that this legal protection does is act like a tourniquet to the flow of creative information and with so many software companies looking to snipe code for free, even my SIIMV has to be released under the GNU GPL v3 to make sure that people don't steal and try to sell the code. But modding (scripting) is the beginning in entering into programming. People are less forgiving to scripters in my opinion. It should be a fun learning experience, not a dunk into techno-law and jargon.

That said, if you do make yours public domain as well, I will convert it into a B3d and package it up with the accompanying license with whatever message you wish to leave.
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