I bet that almost nobody heard about Nelson Mandela here, in default country. Although he did a very good job and I really would like to celebrate this day with you.
Wait, what the f**k the schools on the rest of the world teach? History Classes must be about Mandela as well.
They generally teach things that are in our culture or that are related to it.
Like so, we don't do much in History that revolves around the Cold War, Vietnamese War or the Cuban Missile Crisis. It's mainly about the Nazis, World War I and II and possibly the War on Terror (if it ever comes to an end).
Another problem is that we have a policy of not "offending" anybody. Example of this is, we can't celebrate christmas in public unless we want to offend a million Asians, sad, but true.
Yeah, but there is some exceptions, important facts such as Mandela Fight against racism, the fall of Berlim's Wall and World Wars should be remembered no matter where you live.
Yeah, but there is some exceptions, important facts such as Mandela Fight against racism, the fall of Berlim's Wall and World Wars should be remembered no matter where you live.
There are loads of important events, but how many people are going to remember? (or even care?)
Point is, not a lot of people will know or get taught about it. Most people don't know about the berlin wall, the Yom Kippur War, the 1982 Lebanon War, the Cold War or many other events that have taken place.
And even then, some of these events have never really involved the United Kingdom anyway.
Personally, I do not know very much about the Berlin Wall myself either, apart from knowing that it seperated Germany and you could be killed for entering one side.