CS2D General Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!Like "maxlinemsg 7" for show maximum 7 lines at same time.
More Radar option.
Like just show players or players and flags, just bomb etc.
7 Chats per 5 seconds.
Starkkz has written
I would like to create customizable dynamic objects in Lua, with name and everything that can be set as a property.
I'd like to see this too.
edited 1×, last 09.02.13 08:57:34 pm
Fix dynamic lighting on mac.
Maybe: screen(x,y) - will generate screenshot of map with all projectiles, players, items, lua objects...
_Yank has written
You're not supposed to talk about that here. uTorrent
@ _Yank: I won't let CS2D add firewall rules automatically because I dislike software which secretly changes your system settings. Also you can simply allow it to access the internet when you start it the first time (the window to do that pops up automatically so it's no big deal at all). The Windows firewall is not the big problem anyway. Port forwarding in routers is and that can't be automated.
2. TileFX can move players
3. Slowdown entity
It`s all.
CS2d older than 5 years. Why it still BETA?