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English CS2D Development and Pre-Release

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old Re: CS2D Development and Pre-Release

Moderator Off Offline

It's not just about how it looks, but the practical use too. I've tried different versions of it. This actually is useful in the dark and feels right.

old Re: CS2D Development and Pre-Release

Admin On Online

@user mrc: This is not a general suggestion thread. Please only use it to report problems with the pre-release. For new ideas use the existing idea thread.

old Re: CS2D Development and Pre-Release

User Off Offline

Huh, someone writes that CS2D get stucks at Initializing step. For me its ok, but because of my ancient video drivers, I cant enable lighting in game. Even msg in up says that. And even blink.
Also, its not 1.0.2, its

old Re: CS2D Development and Pre-Release

Admin On Online

@user VADemon: Fog of war: This is "just" a precision and/or visualization problem. I assume you will see clearer results when switching to square cut fog of war. BTW: FoW has not been changed for this release.

old Re: CS2D Development and Pre-Release

Admin On Online

@user DatRat: I think you misunderstood. I didn't say that it will be changed
I just said that it has not been changed for the pre-release. And it won't be changed at all.

old Re: CS2D Development and Pre-Release

User Off Offline

Woah, it's actually great that DC allows them to help with CS2D. This game dying? Yeah, maybe in 20 years, new golden era upcoming hah.

Good job guys, keep it up.
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