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Englisch CS2D on Steam Greenlight + V1.0.0.3

282 Antworten
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alt Re: CS2D on Steam Greenlight + V1.0.0.3

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user PuL9 hat geschrieben
user xsiN hat geschrieben
@user PuL9: I don't know why we would need the help of a hacker that has been doing nothing but damaging cs2d in general.

Maby because I can actually see what the program actually does?
Maybe I want to explain how it works so that DC will know how to fix it.

It's simple: if you want to fight a hacker - just find another hacker, which clever.

alt Re: CS2D on Steam Greenlight + V1.0.0.3

User Off Offline

@user the bamboozle:
DC at Steam hat geschrieben
We will keep the Unreal Software file archive no matter what. Because some CS2D users do not have Steam.

We will have to evaluate how to handle Steam Workshop. Would be great to use it. Best option would be that you're free to use whatever you want. Steam Workshop or Unreal Software file archive.

Unfortunately uploading to both in one step will probably not be possible.

alt Re: CS2D on Steam Greenlight + V1.0.0.3

User Off Offline

It's good that 67% of the votes are yes-votes, seems to have stabilised over the past few days, compared to the 75% that it had on its first 7 hours. Still, the number of votes rises and CS2D keeps getting better ranks. Almost in the top 20!

alt Voted on CS2D Greenlight

User Spielt CS2D

Hi, I just wanted to say that I managed to get rid of the limited user status after 2 long years.

Voted on CS2D √
Commented on CS2D √

Towards Top 10 we go √

alt Re: CS2D on Steam Greenlight + V1.0.0.3

User Off Offline

^ Imo that's stupid organizement-wise.

I mean, as a generic player who wants to see what's the best around Steam Greenlight, i will look for a toplist. But there's no toplist -.-

@user DC: did you ask some developer who got Greenlit how did the procedure go?

alt Re: CS2D on Steam Greenlight + V1.0.0.3

Admin Off Offline

No I didn't ask. It's not relevant at this point and in case it becomes relevant I'll simply see how it works.

I'm very sure that Valve has good reasons to have no visible top list. Maybe because that would give games which have a good rating anyway an unfair boost. Also it could motivate some people to downrate certain games / to tell their communities to downrate games in order to influence things. So overall it's more fair to have no top list.
Zum Anfang Vorherige 1 28 9 1014 15 Nächste Zum Anfang
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