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old closed Re: Deleted Posts

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After you made failure project of minecraft for a long time which you're not finished you can't say that you dont waste your time for free, lel

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Super User Off Offline

@user Mora: Plus, Metin2D

@user Gaios: Maybe you should stop wasting your "time" by posting here and finish your mods instead. Kek

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

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user Gaios has written
@user BcY: Do you see any better solution? So why don't your write for him? I won't waste time for free.

You right Gaiyos ! money lead to motivation XD.

user Pablotez i want half money user Gaios want to write this lua for u ! call me whenever u want :-]

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Reviewer Off Offline

user Masea has written
@user Mora: Plus, Metin2D

@user Gaios: Maybe you should stop wasting your "time" by posting here and finish your mods instead. Kek

Stop posting bullshit. I finished Minecraft 2D and Metin2D is almost finished.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Super User Off Offline

user Gaios has written
user Masea has written
@user Mora: Plus, Metin2D

@user Gaios: Maybe you should stop wasting your "time" by posting here and finish your mods instead. Kek

Stop posting bullshit. I finished Minecraft 2D and Metin2D is almost finished.
You told me that 2 months ago. Oh, but it is still funny

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Masea: I'm not nolife and I don't spend all the time for fun on PC. I learn and work there too. You could increase your programming skills instead of writing unoptimalized scripts.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Super User Off Offline

user Gaios has written
instead of writing unoptimalized scripts.
How the fuck do you know without seeing my codes I'm writing? Wait, what are you, Gajos? A seer? You gotta be kidding me!

user Gaios has written
You could increase your programming skills
The most increasing tip is do more and more. So I code and whenever I do, I learn as well.

user Gaios has written
I'm not nolife and I don't spend all the time for fun on PC. I learn and work there too.
So you mean, you actually didn't finish your mods because you don't spend all the time for fun on PC and you also learn and work there too? Well, I said the same thing, didn't I?

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Reviewer Off Offline

user Masea has written
user Gaios has written
You could increase your programming skills
The most increasing tip is do more and more. So I code and whenever I do, I learn as well.

Instead of learning new stuff, you do the same stuff every time. You don't learn how to do it better. You just write the same code every time.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Super User Off Offline

@user Gaios: We fucked up the thread but anyways, as I said already;
user Masea has written
How the fuck do you know without seeing my codes I'm writing?

You can't really know.

By the way, I don't do same things in order to not get boring.

old closed Re: Deleted Posts

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Masea: so stop talking to everybody in threads, you start it every time. And don't reply this message.
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