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Englisch CS2D Bug Reports

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alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Moderator Off Offline

Some servers uses crappy steam detection script which kicks out users without Steam login.

Make sure you are playing with steam.

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

The system can't ban you for no reason.
There are some reasons why you are banned.
Like u played with speedhack/aimbot in a server and someone ( staff members ) saw you using hacks and they banned you for that.

I hope you will not play with hacks anymore or idk what happened.....

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

I found a bug when putting satchel charges in buymenu.

When you buy satchel charges in buymenu, your hud says it has 5 satchel charges, but the server gives you 1.

For example. You buy it, you throw all 5(left mouse click), 1 will explode, other 4 satchels will be laying down on ground.

You buy satchels, you drop them on floor, it will show 1 satchel on floor. You buy satchels again and you also pick up the 1 on floor, drop them again, you get 2 now on floor.

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Hajt: Could you please provide a brief explanation? What exactly is the bug you're trying to show?

It is correct and intended that every server which is hosted in the same LAN (or even on the same PC) appears in the LAN tab (if the port matches the one specified at the bottom of the LAN list).

If the server displayed there is NOT hosted from within the same network (I can't see that on this screenshot) it's indeed a bug.

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

user DC The problem of user Hajt is that you are appearing a server that is not from him in LAN, he is living in Netherlands/Poland and that server is from Brazil!

How can that be possible?

alt two bugs

User Off Offline

I recently encountered two bugs with the latest version. I don't recall having experienced any of the two before, but there is a chance my system is the culprit since I run CS2D on a low-end potato desktop. Anyway, I decided to post in case said bugs present an annoyance to other players.

#1 Game freezes when I check the scoreboard >

#2 Losing control over keyboard keys when pasting text in chat >

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

user DC hat geschrieben
@user Hajt: Could you please provide a brief explanation? What exactly is the bug you're trying to show?

It is correct and intended that every server which is hosted in the same LAN (or even on the same PC) appears in the LAN tab (if the port matches the one specified at the bottom of the LAN list).

If the server displayed there is NOT hosted from within the same network (I can't see that on this screenshot) it's indeed a bug.

Ohh sorry for that. I was thinking that you are aware of this bug cause it was reported several times. Well anyway as @user Merlungo said, it is not my server. This bug exist only on linux. Look this guy had the same situation Link

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

Weird okay... lol. Thanks for the clarification. Nothing crucial / game breaking though so probably won't fix (as I have no idea why it happens either).

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

user kkkkkkk hat geschrieben
#1 Game freezes when I check the scoreboard >

this happens to me too, when someone joins and his profile image is loading

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

The game locks with opengl option after I use 16bit launch option (with 32bit doesn't happen this bug and I want to use dx with 16bit).

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

Regarding scoreboard:
If the issue is serious on your system you can disable avatar loading and other options under
options > more > sb_ ...

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

Another bug with buymenu.
I've disabled grenade rebuy, but molotov cocktails are not touched by this.

alt defusing bug?

User Off Offline

why everytime I try to defuse, the bar restarts at the beginning and the 'defusing sound' sounds twice?
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