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Englisch Custom Maps and Stuff

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alt Re: Custom Maps and Stuff

User Off Offline

us DC us around what day will you realese the new us cs2d us map editor i need it im starting my new map but first i need the new editor! •

alt Re: Custom Maps and Stuff

Admin On Online

Ameer925: You can use the current release of the new editor or the old editor. both work and both can be used to create maps that work in the old cs2d and in the new cs2d.

alt Re: Custom Maps and Stuff

User Off Offline

just tech yourself to use the old editor before i didnt realized nothink from the old editor but now i know everythink in it like my five fingers ofcourse this is my favorite editor cuz i dont know many to work with the new one

alt Re: Custom Maps and Stuff

User Off Offline

i thought we had to download a newer map editor? the old wont open some tilesets that the new one can!
1× editiert, zuletzt 15.10.06 08:19:05

alt Re: Custom Maps and Stuff

User Off Offline

im using the new 1 & and all the tiles works , but on the old one using the same tiles it only loads one black tile

alt Re: Custom Maps and Stuff

User Off Offline

Btw, isn't there a limit to the number of tiles you can put in one map?

It gets confusing when the new map editor shows all the tiles (if you got more then a certain amount) and then it'll mess up if you try to open it again.

On the other hand if you made it in the new editor and try to open it in the old editor it'll mess up but not show the tiles at near the end.

alt Re: Custom Maps and Stuff

User Off Offline

Nothing new with the "realistic smoke sprite" looks the same , but the bottom image of the sprite is the only thing that ooks different. but in the ratings i will give it a.... 5/10 ∗∗∗∗∗°°°°° . (Maybe 6)√

alt Re: Custom Maps and Stuff

User Off Offline

Trust me, the smoke sprite really does look much better in the game. A single frame screenshot doesn't make it look all that good, but if you play a map with lots of smoke, it looks much better. Although, I do realize that the smoke sprite is somewhat of a needless add-on, so if you want it to look a bit better, download my sprite. If not, it doesn't matter that much.

But the main thing is, check out my maps!

alt Re: Custom Maps and Stuff

User Off Offline

All my maps can be downloaded from (which includes 31 of my maps) and my newest 4 can be downloaded from (see above post).

I do have a few maps that are unfinished or extremely crappy, which I have not ever posted, but all my posted maps (35 total) can be downloaded.
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