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English CS2D Clan Database

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old Re: CS2D Clan Database


Can you remove [Sw@T] from clan list.[Sw@T] clan is closed I was the ldr

old Re: CS2D Clan Database

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D1aMoNd_ has written
Yes they were good times. Back then i use to play +100 hours a week but now because of all the cheaters i play around 20+

i am not talking about cs2d diamond -.-!
i am talking about the alpha versions like
old times...

old Re: CS2D Clan Database

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KillaH has written
Can you remove [Sw@T] from clan list.[Sw@T] clan is closed I was the ldr

I'll put it as inactive then.


old Re: CS2D Clan Database

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no, i dont play cs2d...
because i dont like the new community, only cheaters and newb players saying "i am pro". i want the old cs2d community, with friendly players who play for fun.

i remember old versions of cs2d, lovely versions
when didnt exist the foots in the game
or when everyone were new in the game and bought Machinegun
old times T.T

I agree.. old times was good. Now there are new lamers who think they are so godly.

old Re: CS2D Clan Database

User Playing CS2D

yeah, the firsts versions were more funs than now...
Saddly, now we have bastards childs, newbies, hackers and other fucking stuffs...

old *Sigh*.....

User Off Offline

|Kc| clan update ...

|Kc| / Krazy Cripz

Leader :: Ra1DeN

Members :: 7

Website :: Http://

Recruiting :: Yes ( Only three more members )

Other Info :: None

old important Re: CS2D Clan Database

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leegao has written
offtopics... seriously, someone please clean this topic up....

I've done so.
So... there was a bunch of flame posts and spam posts complaining about the flame posts (the usual string) here. It was about some boring similarities between two boring CS2D clans.
If you want to make flame wars, do that per PM! It's not interesting to read. Not at all. This is supposed to be a database, an index of clans. Not one of those cheap afternoon talkshows where retards shout at each other.

Oh, and by the way, please: don't always quote twenty nested quotations. It elongates the page far too much. Only quote what your post is really related to. I've just cut out the most annoying ones.

Perhaps I'll later clean this thread up entirely, there were also some other dialogues that were far off topic...

And no more trash talk here! I will delete everything that isn't about clan updates (and please don't only add a new post with the update, also use the edit function on the old one if you haven't posted it as a guest) or new clans, every "LOL ROFL HAHAHAHA" post, and every post about the good old times when the community was not rotten to the core yet. Those are especially annoying.
edited 4×, last 06.01.08 10:48:46 am

old Re: CS2D Clan Database

User Off Offline

Hey guys, I'm back..

Well in the above post you can see that D1aMoNd said he is new Kc leader, he was until i came back from vacation... Everyone though i left o.O but i didn't so here is new update of clan :]

Clan Name :: |Kc| / "Kill Campers"
Clan Leader :: Ra1DeN™_ SA
Clan Members :: 8/10
Clan Recruiting :: Yes [ 2 Member Spots Left]
Clan Website :: Http://KcClanCS2D.Co.Nr/
Clan Other Info :: Looking for two more good CS2D players!

old Re: CS2D Clan Database

User Off Offline

Clan Name : IwM
Clan Leader : Blackbeard
Clan Members : between 2-6
Clan Recruiting : No
Clan Website : offline (but they had one once)
Clan Other Info : inactive, old, german (famous for using awp)
edited 1×, last 24.01.08 03:10:11 am

old Re: CS2D Clan Database


Clan Name : IwM
Clan Leader : Blackbeard (or was it blackbird?)
Clan Members : i guess between 2-6 (depends on
Clan Recruiting : No
Clan Website : offline (but they had one once)
Clan Other Info : inactive, old, german (famous for using awp^^)

old Re: CS2D Clan Database

User Off Offline

Clan Name : NiB / Noobs in Bikini
Clan Leader : foRRest
Clan Sponsor : (offline)
Clan Members : 5
Clan Recruiting : Yes, only friends
Clan Website : no web
Clan Other Info : we play for fun, we are a group of friends, chilean clan, noob clan
edited 1×, last 24.01.08 03:09:01 am

old Re: CS2D Clan Database

User Off Offline

I am good player.

But I do not play this game for my job and living. So I have a school and school works.

From thing and another.
How to make own clan??

I think it is that easy.
Just do the web site for that clan and then ask people to join into.

old Re: CS2D Clan Database

User Off Offline

JamppaCK has written
I am good player.

But I do not play this game for my job and living. So I have a school and school works.

From thing and another.
How to make own clan??

I think it is that easy.
Just do the web site for that clan and then ask people to join into.

to make a clan, the first of all, you need other player to make a clan, to start the clan with 2 members, if you want 3, 4, 5, etc...
website is not necessary, but you can make one if you want
and post this data in the forum

Clan Name:
Clan Leader:
Total Members:
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruitng:
Other Information:

old Re: CS2D Clan Database


Clan Name: Please
Clan leader: Just
Clan Members: ignore
Clan Recruiting what
Clan Website: i
Other Information: wrote

add this
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