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English CS2D Max Suggestions V2

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old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

then just play cs2d cmd Classic if you want. if you think it's better with shown health, then play it. I still play cs2d (max) where no health is shown

old Serious suggestions.

User Off Offline

So, here is my long-thought suggestions, please have a time and think about them carefully

•Cs2D seems to have some weapons from world war II, so Kar98k might be a good weapon addition, this rifle is not very powerful, it shoots single bullet x 5 and after that you must reload it.

×Most of server-hosts wants to have lots of custom-sprites and sounds on their map, but when someone joins and downloads them, it may take ages and @ same time the rest of people lags cause of uploading/downloading. /So, i think that there could be some faster solution? maybe some network-speed-slicing solutions? I don`t know but maybe DC has some ideas?

• In my opinion, the map editor needs lots of little updates which makes map-making easier and more fast, here is my suggestions to that phase:

>Multi-setting-up tile-properties at same time.
>Currently there is only 2 Env_objects, maybe there could be few more objects in next build? (Bushes, Roofs,Shelters,Umbrellas/Sunshades?)
>In my opinion, a must addition could be tile-rotation possibility, it will make maps more unique and people dont have to make lots of copies of same tile.
>Env_script, which will allow players to make their self-scripted tiles and so.

//Thank you//

Other news:

I accidentally found a bug, i entered to some server which used custom-tileset, i downloaded it and edited it so that all the tiles are Floor_soundless and joined back, after that i could walk on the walls `n` everywhere, this bug doesn`t happend everywhere somywhy, i think it depends on amount of tiles map has.

That`s all!

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

Admin On Online

Env_script? did you ever hear something about Lua?
you don't need an entity to add Lua Script to your map.

just create a file called maps/YOURMAPNAME.lua

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

I know, but for example if you want to make sinlge tile to go open/close, you coould add that to the tile and add single script-string into the single env_script

old Cs2d : manual

Moderator Off Offline

Dc, you havent understand idea of it.
You can add RPM (Rate per min) parameter, but pistols shouldnt shot then you are holding mouse buton.

Recently Bugs:
Also CS2D have strange bug: Sometime CS2D just disapear in my desktop then I am playng window mode. (Game screen disapear but its still working )
And sometimes then I play in server game just quit to menu, if you know what I mean (Is more peaple with this bug)

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2


Here's a suggestion for the upcoming version of CS2D:

I always wondered why the CS2D's Phoenix Connection never had a mask on? Asuming CS2D is based on CS 1.6, in CS 1.6 the T1 has a mask/balaclava, so why does the T1 in CS2D doesn't? Same goes for the Arctic Avenger..

Since you work alone, DC, it can be tiring for you to make new skins for the CS2D models. If that's the case, here's a nice T1 skin which you can put as default in the upcoming CS2D version, as it is basically the SAME T1 only with a mask/balaclava wearing, which is what the CS 1.6 or any other Counter-Strike 3D game T1 wears:

Incase something is wrong with the skin or whatever, you could ask the author just to edit it to fit CS2D perfectly, and then put it as the default Phoenix Connection.

Seriously, it's nothing huge, just the same ol' T1 with a balaclava wearing on his head, which is what all other Counter-Strike games have. You could also copy that mask and put it on the Arctic Avenger.

Just my little suggestion for the default skin models,
it would simply make it feel more CS-like.

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

Admin On Online

Blazzingxx has written
Dc, you havent understand idea of it.
You can add RPM (Rate per min) parameter, but pistols shouldnt shot then you are holding mouse buton.

Recently Bugs:
Also CS2D have strange bug: Sometime CS2D just disapear in my desktop then I am playng window mode. (Game screen disapear but its still working )
And sometimes then I play in server game just quit to menu, if you know what I mean (Is more peaple with this bug)

ermm.. I understood and I still don't want to change it.

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2


-Skull_ has written
Well, pro...don't care body cares it..

I hope you realise how idiotic that statement is.

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2


dc i never was thinking about or saw that the T1 or T3 was wearing baclava i was just thinking about they have hair.. because its brown maybe u could chance it if you want, to make it a bit darker. uhm and why is the Ct1 so light green? on this picture you see that Ct1 is dark green and green

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

Admin On Online

artistic freedom.
I would have made screenshots in 1.6 from a top down angle when it would have been my aim to get exact copies of the original models...
I actually don't care much about these freaking minor differences.

just get/create and use other skins if you have problems with the fact that they don't look exactly like the ones from 1.6

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

How to make servers load faster (if you have to load lots of stuff from there):

So, this came up to my mind:

So, server uses these [example]:

• env_sprite named dog123
•env_sprite named car44
•env_sound named killall.wav

So, after you have created a map you save it, before saving the editor asks you something like "which of these are must to download?" and shows a list of sprites and sounds you have used, which are not regular Cs2D sprites or sounds, so, the server show you thel ist of the envs and it mightl ook something like this:

Env_sprite - dog123 [Drop-list]
Env_sprite - Car44 [Drop-list]
Env_sound - killall.wav [Drop-list]

[Save] [Cancel]


So, @ the place where the drop-boxes are there should be options "Necessary" & "optional".

And now, when the player is connecting to server, the server will automatically download all the "necessary"-tagged sprites & sounds and ask the player if he/she want to download the "optional" ones.

I hope you get me, my engish probably sucks but wutever.


old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2


I kind of agree with Haris8. I'm not saying you MUST make it the same as CS 1.6, or have it exactly look like those models, but I'm just saying that it is called Counter-Strike 2D. Most players that play this game know what the real CS looks like and how the real player skin models look like, and they expect to see the same in CS2D, in a cartoonish 2D version. Does this mean that in CS2D all models should look super-mega cartoonish? Afcourse not. It does mean that players expect to see the basic things and details that the normal player modals do have.

DC, you can ask any player you encounter, and I'm fairly sure the majority of those players will say they would be surprised as they thought T1 and T3 both had dark-brown hair, not wearing mask, if you'd tell them they are suppose to be masks with a big gap for the eyes.
This means that what you drew, is not the same visual thing that most others see, which is a major drawback and disatvantage.. I suggested to draw a mask/balaclava for T1/T3, as it would make people much more clear of what they are suppose to be, Masks.
Currently, most people think is that T1 and T3 both have DARK-BROWN HAIR on their head, which is not what it is suppose to be, which is masks. Now people can see clearly on the skin I showed that he wears a mask, on the first sight you'd see that. Now give me 1 disatvantage for putting such a skin as default? I can name none.. But I can name advantages:

√ Most people's eyes will immediatly recognize the mask/balaclava
√ It really reflexts the T1 / Phoenix Connection from any other Counter-Strike game better then the current does.

name one disatvantage?
I can't think of one. Now I wonder what stops you from implementing this, DC.

Simply by changing little details on the player models, you can reflext the real Counter-Strike models better.
No I'm not saying to take the topdown CS 1.6 models and put it right on CS2D, because that looks straight ugly (this has been done before), it should still give the cartoonish feeling and the models should still be the same style and match the tiles of most maps, but seriously, why would a mask ruin this? No it won't.

Remember, I'm just suggesting this, I'm not commanding, ording, or bossing you around, this is just what I feel like what should be straightened up for the next CS2D versions and above, coming from someone who has played CS2D since 03:

T1 & T3 wearing masks, even tho the dark-brownish thing is suppose to be a mask, it looks more like hair, perhaps making it alot more darker? close the gap a bit so you would see less of the face? Seriously, this isn't much of a work, you can simply do this in paint in about 10 minutes..

The red handle of the knife.. I always wondered why it was red, perhaps making the knife handle grey/black, seriously, is this a hard work too? I think not, is it really hard to change 3 little block pixels into another colour? such a small change can give players a much better feel of playing a Counter-Strike game..

Like Haris8 said, the Seal Team CT1 model, it looks very light green, is it also too hard to just open a painting program and make all pixels a bit darker?

CT4, The French GIGN, is this suppose to be a reflextion of the CS 1.6 French Gign or the CS:Source's one? In CSS the CT4 wears a protective helmet with yellow glass infront of it, and it looks like in CS2D that guy wears protective helmet with yellow glass too.. but this is suppose to be a reflextion of CS 1.6, in which CT4 actually wears a MASK, NOT the glass-helmet. I think this isn't much of a big deal, the 3 top I mentioned I think are pretty major, this one is just a little minor one. Also, sometimes I imagine that this guy looks like a chinese person or looks like he is going to puke, because of his yellow face, (which is suppose to be the glass infront of the helmet.. which is in CS:S, not CS 1.6)

I repeat, DC, I respect your work, I'm a very big fan of this great game, CS2D, and I've been playing for alot of time, and these are just my suggestions, please don't think it's an attack to you or anything else, I still keep in mind that you work alone.

Even tho if you can make a team, CS2D would greatly improve. There would surely be an art-person that would fix the above mentioned, and perhaps a very good mapmaker (such as jUSTiN), can you state why you work alone? If it is something personal, I'm fine with that, you can also PM me it if you want.

And for those that come with the statement: "if you think it's so easy to make these skins, why not make them YOURSELF!" infact I gladly would, but I wouldn't achieve anything big, as these are just CUSTOM SKINS, not the DEFAULT SKINS, and I'm suggesting to improve the DEFAULT SKINS.

It's like this: you make a game which's theme is about cars.. but the models aren't cars, they are planes, I suggest to change the planes into CARS, because it is a CAR game! but then you'd say "go create ur own cars and release it as a custom skin", see the point?

All I'm saying is that I'm suggesting isn't really that hard to implement, but it WOULD greatly improve our human eye's ability to see what we are looking at.

If I look at a car, I know it's a car.
If I look at a plane, and think it's a car because it looks like a car, and the owner of the plane says that it is indeed a plane, I'd be surprised as it looks like a car.

See the problem here? DC, most people think that T1 and T3 have dark-brown hair, by simply spending 10 minutes in the paint-program changing and editting the mask to make it feel more MASKISH, then so be it, it would make it so much better, give me a reasonable drawback or disatvantage .. I seriously do not see one.

Thanks for hearing me out.

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

Admin On Online

I actually think that most people just don't think and care about that otherwise it would have been posted before probably.
However I see that this seems to be very important to you so I'll consider to do some minor changes there

I work alone simply because of the freedom and the independence. I can do what I want to do and I can do it when I want it to do which is very important for me.

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

pro write a lot for nothing, this is stupid, if you have a problem whit skins, and if it is so easy, then do by yourlself, (altrough, i think that CT1 is too green, it looks like an alien)

skins arent a problem because you can change then easily

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2


chuico123 has written
pro write a lot for nothing, this is stupid, if you have a problem whit skins, and if it is so easy, then do by yourlself, (altrough, i think that CT1 is too green, it looks like an alien)

skins arent a problem because you can change then easily

I quote what I said before:

And for those that come with the statement: "if you think it's so easy to make these skins, why not make them YOURSELF!" infact I gladly would, but I wouldn't achieve anything big, as these are just CUSTOM SKINS, not the DEFAULT SKINS, and I'm suggesting to improve the DEFAULT SKINS.

@DC: Those "minor changes" that wouldn't really take so long to change, would really stop so many players from wondering why the knife handle is red, why the T1 and T3 have dark-brown hair, etc. It is that small time that you put into just editting some pixels, that would make the difference from thinking it's hair, mask, a car, or an animal (just my philosophy). It is totally worth it, and players that play CS2D for the first time and have played CS 1.6 or CS:S or CS:CZ, would surely say "Hey, that's the Phoenix Connection!" or "Hey, that's the knife from the real CS!", which unlike now, the players would be wondering why these small details aren't the same.

I see why you work alone now, that's good, and I respect that.

Most people actually DO think about it, allot of times I've argued with a person whether what is a certain skin suppose to be, and most people think it's suppose to be dark-brown hair (of the T1 & T3 skins). They DO care about it, they just DON'T care about talking on it on a website. It doesn't stop them from wondering each time they play CS2D, why a certain skin looks weird or not the same as CS 1.6's.

Anyhow, keep up the good work DC.

old Re: CS2D Max Suggestions V2

User Off Offline

I make a lot of maps and in the map editor I would love to see several things.
• a way to build wrench structures on the map from the editor
• an indestructible gate added from the editor only
• a waypoint for bots of things that need destroyed, moved towards, or used

The game should be continually supplied with new guns to keep it interesting. I suggest a few.

• a new machinegun, i'm thinking Russian RPK
• street-sweeper full auto shotgun, 10 round clip, slightly lower damage
• a remote controlled claymore
• M79 40mm grenade launcher
• maybe a musket

Any of these items would improve the game and make me worship you as king of the SCRIPT KITTENS
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