KaiserWilhelm has written
sorry for asking, but in your description on the download page it says that you have an improved infection system. What exactly does that mean, and where is it? I'm interested because i'm looking for some code to splice into my own for my zombie maps. I want to create a random chance (1 in 10 or something) that when attacked by a zombie with its claw, a survivor is"infected" and in a set amount of time turns into a zombie. it would be even better if this happened ON THE SPOT. instead of just killing the survivor and sending it to the Terrorist spawn. Woukd the latter part even be allowed in Lua or is that to high level?
I don't know who are you asking to, but i'll suggest you something:
Create a table to store which players are 'infected'
When a zombie attacks a CT, use math.random(1,10), if it returns X number of your choice, the CT is infected
Use the second hook to decrease the health of the infected player and check if he's going to be turned into a zombie in that second
If the last thing is true, then use parse("maket "..player) and use spawn player to set it's position.
I hope you know how to script