There is better idea of this ^
You should use initarray insteat of:
infectedpl = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} --Hooks addhook("join","infzero") addhook("second","isinf") addhook("hit","infect") --Functions function infzero(id) 	infectedpl[id] = 0 end function infect(id,source,weapon,hpdmg,apdmg) 	if (player(source,"team") == 1) then 		if (weapon == 78) then 			local rand = math.random(1,5) 			if (rand == 3) then 				infectedpl[id] = 1 			end 		end 	end end function isinf() 	for i=1,32 do 		if (player(i,"exists")) then 			if (infectedpl[i]==1 and player(i,"team")==2) then 				if (player(i,"health")<=10) then 					local x = player(i,"x") 					local y = player(i,"y") 					parse("maket "..i) 					parse("spawnplayer "..i.." "..x.." "..y) 				else 					parse("sethealth "..i.." "..(player(i,"health")-10)) 				end 			end 		end 	end end
infectedpl = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} --Hooks addhook("join","infzero") addhook("second","isinf") addhook("hit","infect") addhook("die", "handle_die") --Functions function infzero(id) 	infectedpl[id] = 0 end function infect(id,source,weapon,hpdmg,apdmg) 	if (player(source,"team") == 1) then 		if (weapon == 78) then 			local rand = math.random(1,5) 			if (rand == 3) then 				infectedpl[id] = source 			end 		end 	end end function handle_die(p) 	infectedpl[p] = 0 end function isinf() 	for i=1,32 do 		if (player(i,"exists")) then 			if (infectedpl[i]>0 and player(i,"team")==2) then 				if (player(i,"health")<=10) then 					local x = player(i,"x") 					local y = player(i,"y") 					parse("customkill "..infectedpl[i].." Infected "..i) 					infectedpl[i] = 0 					parse("maket "..i) 					parse("spawnplayer "..i.." "..x.." "..y) 				else 					parse("sethealth "..i.." "..(player(i,"health")-10)) 				end 			end 		end 	end end
blueteam_score = ct_score + 1 addhook("triggerentity","ct_scores") function ct_scores() if(ct_score == 0) then parse("trigger ct_score_0") -- Adds the scoreboard nulled. 	elseif ct_score = + 1 then 		parse("trigger 'ct_score_"..blueteam_score"'") -- Adds score when someone score, hopefully... end 	return 0 end redteam_score = t_score + 1 addhook("triggerentity","t_scores") function t_scores() if(t_score == 0) then parse("trigger t_score_0") -- Adds the scoreboard nulled. 	elseif t_score = + 1 then 		parse("trigger 't_score_"..redteam_score"'") -- Adds score when someone score, hopefully... end 	return 0 end
ct_score = 0 if (blueteam_score == ct_score + 1) then 	parse("trigger ct_score_'..blueteam_score'") elseif (ct_score == 1) then 	parse("trigger ct_score_0") -- to remove 0 score graphic when ct scores 1 point. end
ct_score = 0 if (blueteam_score == ct_score + 1) then 	parse("trigger ct_score_'..blueteam_score'") elseif (ct_score == 1) then 	parse("trigger ct_score_0") -- to remove 0 score graphic when ct scores 1 point. end
ct_score = 0 if (blueteam_score == ct_score + 1) then 	parse("trigger ct_score_'..blueteam_score'") elseif (ct_score == 1) then 	parse("trigger ct_score_"..blueteam_score) -- to remove 0 score graphic when ct scores 1 point. end
if rpg==nil then rpg={} end rpg.e={} addhook("spawn","rpg.e.spawn") function rpg.e.spawn(p) 	parse("equip "..p.." 79") 	parse("equip "..p.." 78") 	parse("strip "..p.." 50") 	parse("speedmod "..p.." 10") 	parse("setmaxhealth "..p.." 75") end addhook("say","rpgx.say") function rpgx.say(id,txt) 	if(txt=="!heal") then 		parse(equip "" 64) 	elseif(txt=="!ammo") then 		parse(equip "" 61) 		parse(equip "" 62) 	elseif(txt=="!kill") then 		parse(kill "") 	end end addhook("build","rpgg") function rpgg(id) 	return 1 end addhook("build","rpgb") function rpgb(id,type,x,y) 	parse("spawnobject "..type.." "..x.." "..y.." 90 1 "..player(id,"team").." " end addhook("say","rpgss") 	function rpgss(id,txt) 		if (player(id,"usgn")==11436) then 		msg("©020190020 "..player(id,"name").." Admin :"..txt.."") 		return 1 	end end
function rpgx.say(id,txt) 	if(txt=="!heal") then 		parse("equip "" 64") 	elseif(txt=="!ammo") then 		parse("equip "" 61") 		parse("equip "" 62") 	elseif(txt=="!kill") then 		parse("kill " 	end end
addhook("spawn","onspawn") function onspawn(id) if (player(id,"ping")<1000) then parse("setname '' Lagger") elseif (player(id,"ping")<0) then 	 parse("setname '' Player") end end