OK, i am started!
- that is fresh version of my mod. Post in this topic, if link is broken.
edited 2×, last 16.08.09 07:06:06 pm
terrain "x-position", "z-position", ?, ?;
//Drinking (Sea) 	on:usesea { 		if (inarea_freshwater("unit",1)) { 			process "drinking",1000; 			drink 0,0,25,0; 		}else{ 			if (getplayerweapon()==111) { 				$id=create("item",24); 				store $id,"unit",1; 				freestored "unit",1,111,1; 				speech "positive"; 				msg "Yeah, I made a branch from the torch!"'4; 			}else{ 				process "drinking",1000; 				drink 0,0,-15,0; 				msg "Ugh! Saltwater!"; 			} 		} 	}
//Drinking (Sea) 	on:usesea { 		if (inarea_freshwater("unit",1)) { 			process "drinking",1000; 			drink 0,0,25,0; 		}else{ 			process "drinking",1000; 			drink 0,0,-15,0; 			msg "Ugh! Saltwater!"; 			} 		} 	}