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English Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

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old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

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Withoutname has written
Im scepthic. I dont belive this, is impossible. But if...

You will be my hero
As you can see in the second video, I've already played with OracleFile

old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

The Oracle File
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Anti-cheat won't be included (maybe deactivating the console cammands) but it would be too much and wouldn't be effectiv at all. Also at the moment there is a maximum of 2 players, we will see if we will be able to connect more on a decent speed. Those sleeping things depend on the mode you play, so if you play coop game, you will die, if the other one doesn't want to sleep. But it's coop, so you should work together! We will add maps which can only be solved together.
Building will in worst case be like: one builds, the other one puts material next to the building place, if the building is finished, both will see it.

old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

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I have so many suggestions!

First of all - about the cheats:
Admin should have a option to whether or not the console (cheats) be activated. There are people that don't like cheats, but there are others that like them like me. It should be us to choose with a simple tick or not option.

old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

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The Oracle File has written
So give me a good reason why I should allow it. It is only making the game asynchronous

It's like CS2D's anti-speeder.

Why the hell it is still there?
Almost the sam with console, but not in the same point.
Ok, you should make default "No Cheats Allowed", but you should make a way to Admins activate somehow the "Cheats Allowed".
Like, for example, a text file.

Or, if you add a lobby, in "More Settings" (like CS2D) mp_cheats should be def. 0 but we could put 1. That would rock! Seriously!

old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

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Mr_92 has written
Builder2-0 has written
I'll be the first to say it:

I'd be happy to be proven wrong though.

It isn`t a Fake he is only better then you xP

Yes, thanks, we established that back on page 1 when he provided a video that wasn't a slideshow. I find it better to expect the worst.

old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

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I hope this will have lot of modes like CS2D.
Including No Kill and Kill modes.
Under that ones sub-modes like "Deathmatch" and "Team Deathmatch" (in Kill Mode) and "Free Building" and "Shoot Training" (in No-Kill Mode).
If team gamemode will be added, Friendly Fire should be added also as a option.

old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

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I agree with Vectar. You should try makin some animations with your models like swinging the axe and all the items models. Yes i understand that is a lot of work. No i am not Demanding that you insert i just wanted to add a suggestion. The video is great! You and TheKilledDeath might just make U.S.G.N's first fps multiplayer styled game/mod. Once it comes out and it works, I will give you a cookie =3! cookie But here is one to start
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