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English Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

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old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

User Off Offline

nice video.

one thing are u going to inplant CS mod beta or are u gone do this later?

i wonder why DC dont say anyting on this tropic he wass the one who was saying its hard to make

old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

User Off Offline

When this is released it will be implemented into xiolion right away but then ill add a requirement for this mod to use xiolion ill probably add an extra folder in it that say multiplayer mod so you could have it if the download dies for the multiplayer mod god forbid it

old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

User Off Offline

K, I think I've distilled all of my questions into their purest form.

1. Saving & Loading
Can you save & load multiplayer games to pick up where you left off?

2. Gameplay Differences between Player A (host) and Player B
If you have player A and player B start on separate islands across a shark filled sea, how will their gameplay differences differ? Will player B be attacked by lions? Will they be able to build structures by themselves? Ect. How well has the default Stranded gameplay been transferred to the new player?

old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

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I hope you can save because if i couldent login to a server and have my stuff there on spawn i wouldent like this that much like heres how i would see it:

When you disconnect from the server it does a fake safe then removes all your stuff from the server then when you come back to the server your stuff respawns where you last put them excluding items on the ground and stuff only buildables and things stored in the buildables and you inventory and stats etc. and if some one has built somthing where you stuff is it will say some one lives here would you like to relocate you buildings if you say no it disconnects you from the server but if you say yes you place the buildings (they build automatticly because you already did the stuff) and while you do this your in a fly view so you can place them where you want then for example if its a storage before leaving it saves to the servers computer and then when rebuilding your storages it reads the saved files so it will know what to place in them and if the owner of the server cant delete the files because when they try to delete them the game will recopy them to the folder the only way to get rid of them is to shutdown your server and create a new one.

old wow mp on s2

User Off Offline

this looks incredible
(i just joined to discuss in this post)

i loved stranded 2 but it needs

requires multi-player sooooooo bad

i host lan parties almost monthly and i keep thinking of this game every time

i am an IT major
i have several servers
(my setup

all the computers on the floor are host servers

i wish to assist in ur progress of this truly epic mod
i can playtest and identify errors

i can host both online servers and local

i realy want to the this mod work
and i am willing to do whatever that needs to be done to make sure
it lives to its full potential

(great work so far)
im really exited

old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

User Off Offline

This looks fairly interesting. I'd also like to know:
"1. Saving & Loading
Can you save & load multiplayer games to pick up where you left off? " Builder2-0

Always wanted to play S2 with a friend.

old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

The Oracle File
User Off Offline

Sorry guys, didn't see you had posted such much in the last few days. We are still working on the mod, but are currently remaking the scripts to increase the performance.

Now to the most asked question:

We are proud to announce that you will be able to save a game with person a and load it with person b to continue playing. You can also modify save games if wish before continuing, everything is possibe.

@hpearson: You are sucha freak
But I am too, so lets work together.
I'd be very happy to see at least more servers online than in Carnage Contest, but I don't know in which way dedicated servers would work. But anyways,
let's kick some ass, dudes

old Re: Multiplayer Mod - Download the unexpected

User Off Offline

omg i just cant wait for it this will be freaking awesome. If i will find the download link under my x-mas tree, i will jump out mah window joking. So no exact release date yet?? Maybe u will release a Beta version?
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