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English fun facts

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old fun facts

Spicy Night Owl
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This is a thread where random stuff is posted about random stuff. Ill go first. Did you know that all pet hamsters came from one litter found somewhere?

old Re: fun facts

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The outside of a black hole of which no matter can pass is called the "Event Horizon".
Kelvin is officially the metric system's official temperature.
Kelvin starts at absolute zero.
A googol has 100 zeros. You are moving at speeds close to the speed of light, as that is the speed of expansion of the universe.
Gandhi went on a hunger strike to stop 2 fighting factions.
2^[2^(2^2)] is 65,536.
When a fire is lit in a manned spaceship, and then passed into space, it burns like a sun.
The Japanese translation of Pikachu is 'Electric Mouse'
The U.S. is ranked around 47th in healthcare out of all countries.
Sabot rounds are Amour Piercing shotgun bullets
The first land on Earth emerged red, along with the green sea and crimson sky.
9876543210-1234567890 contains every number.
'http' stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol.
1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45,55,66,78,and 91 are triangle numbers.
And, finally, hamsters are actually not classified as nocturnal, but as a creature who burrows during the day. More facts will come, with the last being a hamster fact :P.
edited 2×, last 04.12.09 09:38:02 pm

old Re: fun facts

Spicy Night Owl
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back when my dad was a kid all they had were friends, an atari, and a small shooting game on a watch were you moved the cannon and shot rocks

old Re: fun facts

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The Dutch Are From The Netherlands.

This isn't a fact, but just adding in, The song "Come on Feel The Noise" by Quiet Riot is actually spelled "Cum On, Feel The Noise", Cum meaning-well, no reason to add THAT in there.

David Bowie is Bisexual (Most people should know that).

The Red Panda looks WAY different than a "Normal" Panda, looking closer to a Raccoon/Fox thing.

Most languages have diverted from Latin.

Donuts/Doughnuts originaly had no hole.

If Scientists or the President or Anyone says a sheep has 5 legs, that does not mean it has 5 legs.

old Re: fun facts

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Here's a nightmarish fact:
A global secret society is currently in control over the world.
People often refer it as a "conspiracy theory", but how is it a theory when it is a pure proven documented fact?
Acknowledged and confirmed by world-wide leaders and politicians themselves.

Google/Youtube these words:
illuminati, new world order

Inform and educate yourself for once, instead of watching the bullshit of lies known as mainstream media.

old Re: fun facts

Spicy Night Owl
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the illuminati are real. they wanted to prove that the church was wrong so the church hunted them down and killed them all. A nice little history lesson, and yes i have read Angels & Demons. Oh yea almost forgot

cat urine glows under black light
a shrimps heart is in its head
and a chameleons tongue is twice the length of its body

old Re: fun facts

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Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

A cockroach will live nine days without it's head, before it starves to death.

Many hamsters only blink one eye at a time.

Ten percent of the Russian government's income comes from the sale of vodka.

Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better than men.

Bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers were all invented by women.

Most lipstick contains fish scales.

old Re: fun facts


Did you knew that Microsoft copied the Playstation consoles from Sony?




X on the controller of a playstation

Box for the square

and 360 is the circle!!

old Re: fun facts

Spicy Night Owl
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the original Friday the 13th was considered so scary in Australia that if you sat through the whole movie, you won a certificate

old Re: fun facts

A Mad Bro
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if you shout 8 years, 7 months and 6 days continiously, you produce enough heat to warm a cup of coffee

the eye of an ostrich is bigger than its brain

a starfish doesnt have a brain

humen and dolphins are the only animals wich have sex for fun

the oldest goldfish was 41 years old

93% of the american kids recognize Ronald McDoald

donald-duck comics are not allowed in finland because he doesn''t wear pants

Some toothpastes contain antifreeze

Oranges explode in the microwave

Eggs explode in the microwave

Alexander the great was epileptic

Swans are the only birds with penises

the youngest pope was 11 years old

old Re: fun facts

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Guenter13 has written
if you shout 8 years, 7 months and 6 days continiously, you produce enough heat to warm a cup of coffee

the eye of an ostrich is bigger than its brain

a starfish doesnt have a brain

humen and dolphins are the only animals wich have sex for fun

Like these ones! Really funny.
Also the swan penis.


@ Siomonte: yeap!

old Re: fun facts

A Mad Bro
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Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end.

Exhibitionists are most likely to be married men.

Men get hiccups more often than women.

There is enough iron in a human being to make one small nail.

Baby rattlesnakes are born without rattles.

The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.

A kangaroo can only jump if its tail is touching the ground.

Months that start with a Sunday always has a Friday the 13th.

The military used toilet paper to camouflage their tanks in Saudi Arabia, during the Desert Storm War.

Bluebirds can’t see the color blue.

First 1000 digits of pi:
Spoiler >

A moth has no stomach.

In the course of an average lifetime, while sleeping you might eat around 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders, or more.

Queen bees only sting other queen bees.

Clouds fly higher during the day than the night.

96% of candles that are purchased are by women.

The Earth experiences 50,000 earthquakes a year.

Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined.

Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

National Pi Day is March 14, at 1:59. (3/14 1:59).

“Stewardesses” is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand

The hundred billionth crayon made by Crayola was Periwinkle Blue.

There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.

No war has been fought where both countries had a McDonalds.

Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.

old Re: fun facts

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"Rats live on no evil star" reads the same forward as backward.
A close approximation to Pi is 22/7.
The square root of -1 is represented as the imaginary number i
Viruses are not classified as living, as they need a host to reproduce.
Protists can be unicellular or multicellular, unlike plants and animals (Only multicellular) and bacteria (Unicellular).
Light is Electromagnetic Radiation.
DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid
23% of Assaults are committed by people 17-22, according to the CDC.
Apocalypse is Greek for 'revelation' not the end of the world.
Guinea Pigs are born fully furred and able to walk, and are born cleaning themselves.
Dwarf Hamsters are from Russia.
Hamsters were first found in Syria.

old Re: fun facts

Moderator Off Offline

Ethan has written
Jesus was father
Mary Magdalene was his wife
and he has living descendants

Highly subjective and debatable on so very many levels.

old Re: fun facts


Question: If a stealth bomber crashes in the forest - will it make a bang?
Answer: Yes it does. But no one is there to listen.
Question: Why is there expiration date on sour cream?
Answer: Absolutly no idea...
Question: If the cops arrest a mime do they tell the mime that the mime got the right to remain silent?
Answer: Lol I think so.

old Re: fun facts

Spicy Night Owl
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I read the Da Vinci code

Nobody is perfect
Goldfish drink water
and my name is nobody

old Re: fun facts

Moderator Off Offline

There is a very good and very succinct reason that the Da Vinci code is published as a fictional novel. However, I'll let you figure that one out.
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