CS2D General Beta Suggestions & Ideas1
if (player(id,"health")>0) then
Make in editor option, to show all folders at the top of the menu and other files at the foot.
When you close editor (and map loaded) dont show warning message if map not edited.
Hide player skin using LUA
Hide player name using LUA (nice for making custom gamemodes like prophunt or hide & seek)
Change turret upgrade cost/speed using console cmds.
Give commands to NPC's ("npc_move <x tile> <y tile>")
Add these options to "Func_Message":
::Show only to:
1. CT.
2. T.
3. Player who triggered this.
edited 4×, last 18.07.11 06:24:30 pm
Somethink like that.
And a napal granede and freeze grenade.
sorry for my bad english.
It will be setted on area X-Y
And you can't shot in that area
When u press button to shot,gun won't fire
it would help alot in some maps
Jela331 has written
I wanna new entity called:
It's a shooting game.
No shop killing.
I try not to relate myself with happytown on US.
Get it in your head, lua is there so DC doesn't have to add stupid shit people might want.
It stays a shooting game, end of story.
*Epic sigh*
Rhox, DC not wanna add more weapons =\
Also, in half-life, player shoots sparks, not headcraps.
edited 1×, last 18.07.11 04:56:58 pm
Add ghost mode, like have it 4-5 minutes on average game mode on ghostmode, and make terrorist have a ghost suit, that like if your completely still, your completely invisible to the CT, but if you walk, you are a little bit visible, and if you run, your not totally visible, but ure like a bit easier to spot than if ure walking.
Now for the CTs, they have to stop the Ghosts from planting the bomb but the CTs are completely visible and dont have infinite ammo (thats retarded if they do have infinite, cuz they'd just buy a m249 and spray their asses off, making it no fun).
Now for the map types... It has to be dark in the map, maybe like zm maps, and the maps need to be like lost relics and stuff, like ancient relics, or maybe a metro subway station.
Now for new weapons... You should add a combat axe, and a field shovel... 3 hits or 2 should kill with left click, but 1 hit kill with right click... It should have 2 times or 3 times range from a knife... These weapons shouldn't weight more. Without these weapons it would be really really hard to kill, giving the CTs an advantage every round.
Now for the sound, if you have your volume up loud.. You need to add player sounds, like breathing, so if you stop and listen, the CT may hear the breath and spray around them. And it should be like a breath like as if you had a gas mask on...
Now for the ghost armor... The ghost armor should only be available (NON GHOST MODE) on the weapon/item/armor list. So like add them to the armors "Ghost armor" This will be fun if the admins make events.
Now for the ending.
bleachedprince has written
@ above We already have the stealth suit..
thats true but it's not only the stealth suit because it isn't 100% invisible
NPC modding, able to add new npcs, image, attack interval, damage, and the ability to equip npcs with weapons from the game.
DC has written
npc editor... cs2d is NOT a game maker tool.
But it will be nice
Good Ideas..