well, at least with the original exe it isnt possible.
I know that Mc Leaf made some changes in his modified exe so there actually is a command for a scope now but I cant say whether you are able to move and look around with it or not.
Please speak english properly, yu is noeasy uner stan
The closest thing without changing source code would be to make some sort of inhand sniper that makes the screen move to the scope when pressing a button and it does that thing in S2EXT but, they would turn out fail
I know! I can do now change view range when sniper is used and add for all maps automatic change view range to default, but how to do a change using getsetting or somthing better.
I know! I can do now change view range when sniper is used and add for all maps automatic change view range to default, but how to do a change using getsetting or somthing better.
Are you still speaking english?
If you want help then