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closed moved Thread options

User Off Offline

Hi, I was thinking about new options for the threads.

∗ So here i have a list of ideas:
• A delete button for threads

Why a delete button?
Becuase if create the thread in the wrong section, i can delete it.
edited 1×, last 05.06.11 10:59:12 pm

old Re: Thread options

User Off Offline

user J4x has written
• A delete button for threads

So, people would be able to delete their threads cursing, flaming and other just to don't humiliate them selfs and the mods could not have proofs to give 'em a Rule Violation?

user J4x has written
• The ability to let other users edit my thread

People would mess up everything, trust me.

old Re: Thread options

User Off Offline

Everithing has a bad side, but i think that atleast the delete button would be cool, There are a lot of threads i want to delete and i can't

old Re: Thread options

Admin Off Offline

Joaopcvcastro already gave the main reasons why these things are not a good idea.

also it doesn't happen too often that a thread must be deleted. if it happens: simply edit the thread content+title to something like "PLEASE DELETE ME" OR contact a moderator or me to delete it.

some people might think that it is a good idea to delete a thread when the problem is solved. but it's not because people might have the same problem later and search for it.

lettings others edit a thread is a horrible idea. pure chaos!

old Re: Thread options

User Off Offline

ok, then you can forget this ideas and close this thread...

old Re: Thread options

User Off Offline

Icecore has written
[...] forget this ideas and close this thread...

Perhaps this is a case where the delete-thread function would be handy? Although I must agree that letting others edit your post is a really bad idea, I think a delete thread function would be pretty cool. Or perhaps it could simply remove it from it's placing on the portal? Idk, whatever you think is best is what goes.

old Re: Thread options

Admin Off Offline

nope delete wont happen because some fucking trolls would flame and spam the fucking hell out of their asses and quickly remove their shit before mods see it or insane crap like that.

I don't know - but it's not required.

closed and poll removed.
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