All the correct version and language files have been installed.
CS2D General CS2D Bugs reportAll the correct version and language files have been installed.
Cirium has written
The Linux dedicated server seems to crash often. About 8-12hrs after start-up to be specific.
All the correct version and language files have been installed.
All the correct version and language files have been installed.
I'd probably have to blame my administration script. Sorry, it has not been tested on, I do plan on "remaking" if this is the cause of malfunctions.
I think the chances of it being your script are minimal.
Cirium has written
Servers such as "Blondie*~ CityLife" crash along with the rest.
I think the chances of it being your script are minimal.
I think the chances of it being your script are minimal.
Ironically, Blondie's Citylife script was also created by me.
Windows exception
Can you make a list of lua scripting changed from 0119->0120? I will be appreciated if you can give us a list,
Re: CS2D Bugs report
Deleted User Pagyra has written
When i start the server and / or stay in it as an spectator - everything works fine, but as soon as I go as a player any team - the game crashes.
Windows exception
Windows exception
i don't have any problems when i try it.
also there is a bug with the lightning engine! the flashlight doesn't work fine with a Pre-release map(my de_desertrpg). when i open de_dust2 the flashlight works fine.
and open my map from pre-release version(de_desertrpg). and look, the flashlight doesn't work fine
and re-open the de_dust
i was change every lightning engine setting but it keel like that
Please !
P.S: I can't play CS2D with light
If I set light at Medium or High... Error (EXCEPTION_ACCES_VIOLATION) and if more players join =
Exception_acces_violation . Or when I go next to NPC Zombie and it attacks me = Exception_acces_violation , and when I attack an enemy = exception_acces_violation !
Please fix this...
edited 1×, last 02.03.12 01:48:54 pm
When I build a supply building,I cannot change the items that come from the supply,I already choose another item in the menu but the supply keeps producing HEs. Help Please?
now it is <y> <x>
fix that please
Admin/mod comment
... that's nonsense.and it doesnt come out ! Only HE
(Construction Mode)
New version was released yesterday, and so a lot of bugs?
Shit happens
Now, back to my last comment.
parse("cmsg ("")|"..player(id,"name").."|(USID: "..player(id,"usgn")..")|(IP: "..player(id,"ip")..") 0")
This doesn't work, even when I put " around it. Probably because of all the strings. It only shows me the ID and the first part of my name which is TAB, after that # Yates and all the other stuff is not shown and gives me "Unknown command."
This works just fine.
parse(string.format('cmsg "(%s)|%s|(USID: %s)(IP: %s)" 0', id, player(id,"name"), player(id,"usgn"), player(id,"ip")))
Could somebody confirm the bug I reported?
Did I do something wrong or is it the bug?