And now I just wanted to see how DC sees this small forum. By this sentence I just want to know which additional buttons do admin and mods have, how do they look and just a simple screenshot of a random forum topic, so that we could observe what admin and mods can see.
Unreal Software How DC sees UnrealSoftwareHow DC sees UnrealSoftware
34 repliesAnd now I just wanted to see how DC sees this small forum. By this sentence I just want to know which additional buttons do admin and mods have, how do they look and just a simple screenshot of a random forum topic, so that we could observe what admin and mods can see.
There are also button beside threads. I'm sure there is a small admin section for bans, adding news, as well as checking other people's in-boxes.
Apache uwu has written
confirmed I believe there are buttons beside every post allowing him to delete,
back then wenn violation marks still existed, yes. Now? no. There's only one button - tempban. Which automatically puts a comment.mark as (spam, flame, offtopic, etc)
yup. You can only edit your own post, for moderators and admins every post has the edit button. We can add comments there or edit the post (of course only to remove illegal stuff or something like that). There's also a "Remove post" button. Then there is the "compare IP" button to watch for double accounts. Threads have exactly the same buttons.add a comment, and lock.
This one exists, can't give any information about the other things you talk about since I'm only a moderator. I'm sure there is a small admin section for bans
I removed the linked image though... re-uploaded
it looks a bit different now because of the new style etc. but you get the idea. you can edit everything, can get all ips and set special stuff like the closed state and move threads.
about banning: moderators can only temp ban.
I also have the rights to edit user accounts. and I have an additional combobox there which allows me to change the state (user, super user, banned etc.) of each user.
Ahmad has written
You can see how many people are online near the flags,can you add this to everyone please .
You can check that here:
But yes, I agree. DC should put that for everyone.
and again: the screenshot is from 2009 with the old page style. it doesn't look like that for me now. the shot is just about the functions which are available to mods/admins.
PS:just ignore this if you don't want to do that.
Guarantee: Best
You popopopoooor guy...