Aww snap. And I was wondering why my server people went from 12 to 3 and then 0 o.O and why some functions didn't work in my script (turns out they needed my usgn)...
Anyway. It's not a big problem, I can focus on making stuff instead of playing now
EDIT : Then I did something wrong with my script if it's working, it's still not working, when it has to get my USGN or the USGN got down a second before I pressed button
EDIT2 : Nope I'm preety sure it's USGN since I tested it on my own and it seemed to work, are you sure that it's working perfectly ?
@ -DIE Wolf-: No, the U.S.G.N. online and working at the moment. Just tested it again to make sure. Your problem must be caused by something else but not by the U.S.G.N. itself.
@ Mami Tomoe: USGN - Unreal Software Game Network. this website with forum and file archive are two diffrent things. Congratulations for reviving this thread.