Off Topic How make one signature?How make one signature?
17 replies 1
Edit account
Edit the text box with "Signature"
Enter your password and save settings. Done.
Do the steps with signature
[img]the link of the image[/img]
Agree with that one.
trust us
BountyHunter has written
Do not say password to anyone. If you do not know Iceath personally, and you don't trust him, don't give him any passwords.
dont behave as mod,read the rules dang it
Ron Burgundy has written
It's Better to just close this thread and end the U.S and Afghan War.
Admin/mod comment
§2.1 - No needless and/or doubled posts (spam) On top of it being "+1", you also quote a post directly above. Not only that, but you also revive a thread that should be left. 1