@ skiper: ?

@ skiper: ?

i created something like ava for my self but i cant use it in unrealsoftware forum DC its scale the ava's in 64x64 right? gold ava

silent do u have xfire... i need to talk to u
skiper i kno what u mean now
OT: i just wanna help my homie out, by advertising him please go to http://showcaseyourmusic.com/VILLE
edited 5×, last 18.03.07 08:14:56 am
edited 1×, last 01.01.20 07:13:51 pm

and skype is for only talking? is it www.skype.com?
well i got a new MSN
edited 1×, last 18.03.07 06:25:18 pm
sorry for OT but ameer you msn please!
Ameer925 has written
leegao has written
wow, y is everyone hittin up on dianna ;P nah, jks
...I have no interests...

PS:Ask MSN is OK...
i think

@all: please request EASTER AVATARS!!!!
Ameer925 has written
no one answered me! is skype for voice chat? and do u have to pay
Skype is for Internet Telephone (VoIP), so you can say it's for Voice Chat.
Payment is afaik made over bill or EC, but you don't have to pay anything as long as you call only inside of Skype (e.g. calling another Skype User)