
what is "adobe flash player 9???
25 replies
edit: look there and the place where is "draw here "draw something and click this the flash player for? :0
skiper has written
and where you get it?
edit: look there and the place where is "draw here "draw something and click this the flash player for? :0

edit: look there and the place where is "draw here "draw something and click this the flash player for? :0
For Example. Though you need the Flash Compiler first to make the source code given there usable for the player

whenever i try to download it per adobe i see "shockwave succesfully installed"
then where is it in my comp? i can't find it
You can't see it (not at the desktop at least). It is a plugin for your webbrowser.

but how do you make the moovies with flash player 9 when it is a plugin for the net
edited 1×, last 10.03.07 07:32:16 pm
skiper has written
ok thank you DC
but how do you make the moovies with flash player 9 when it is a plugin for the net

but how do you make the moovies with flash player 9 when it is a plugin for the net
There are different ways to make movies for the flash player: either you use a tool like swish, or you use the original Flash IDE (now called Macromedia Studio)
the later is in most cases better, since it allows real programming, though such thinks like swish are enough to make simple animations.

Saadi has written
but in which folder are the swf-files saved?
Depends on how you mean "saved"

If you saved it with right click -> Save To... , it's in the folder you saved it

If you mean where it ccould be when you simply watched it, you could perhaps find the here:
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Mozilla\alphanumeric stuff\chache
~/.mozilla/alphanumeric stuff/cache

But I cant save them with right click!
Edit 2:
How to save them in Youtube??
Right click on the movie and nothing comes (yes but just shockwave shit )
edited 1×, last 11.03.07 07:44:14 pm
Saadi has written
But I cant save them with right click!

But I cant save them with right click!
sure you can, when it's given as a link.
If not, you can fool around with the sourcecode of the container page to get it.
Saadi has written
Edit 2:
How to save them in Youtube??
Right click on the movie and nothing comes (yes but just shockwave shit )
How to save them in Youtube??
Right click on the movie and nothing comes (yes but just shockwave shit )
You need a FLV-Player or a konverter like Super

skiper has written
bizzl you know any converter 4 making the moovies smaller? 

Super is actually the best. You shouldn't convert to avi, of course.
MPEG 1 or 2 shall be good. Ogg Vorbis/Theora has great compression, too (though you can't use it since there are nearly no players which can play it on windows).

Reaper has written
shockwave player and flash player are two different programms
We heard that multiple times already, thank you, but we know it now

though I didn't find any clue what actually IS different between them, since you only seems to need flash player, and they both interpret files with the same file extension and the same file structure, so it's obvious that it doesn't really matter if we are talking about flash player or shockwave player.
sorry if i am n00b

skiper has written
oh bizzl can you give a link to super the converter
sorry if i am n00b
sorry if i am n00b

here it is...
see here at the bottom for more mirrors