Stranded II General "I'm stuck / how to do XY" threadthere are only 2 small healing herbs and 1 big healing herb.
they are all nearby the water spring/fountain, the big healing herb has some red dots in its center, probably some blossoms or berries.
but if you dont find it there you might already have picked it up and eaten it or something.
what is a fish net ive done evrey thing but that 1 ting that has to do with fishnets in island 4
BTW im not a spamer or a troll or anything but if you need item combos look up on google "stranded 2 item guide i did lol
Fish is item which can be obtained by right-clicking with a fishing rod. You can fry the fish, like meat.
Most people recommend to make a special folder for the mod and make some kind of command to run with stranded2.exe.
For me, I just replace the files in mods/ with the ones in the mod and it works just fine.
Sadly, I can't play 3's adventure mode with this method, and I kinda miss the original story (yes, I COULD download stranded2 twice and put each into a separate place buuut...)
I'm wondering if there's any way to play both adventures with one stranded.exe while keeping all the (kidnap) mods' features in original adventure.
TL;DR: I want original adventure, kidnap adventure and all kidnap's features into one stranded 2 game.
first you download both the original Stranded 2 file and the mod-file (1) which you then have to extract (2 and 3):
when opening the orginal game folder (2) you'll see these files. also there is the mod folder:
when opening the mod folder you'll see this:
however, when opening the other mod folder (3 in the first picture) you'll see this:
so the next step is to go back to the main folder, select all the files from (3) and drag then into the folder (2) so you have these files in folder (2):
you can start the mod by the red marked files but they dont necessarily have to exist for every mod.
in this case you can create your own startup file for that particular mod by writing this into a file that you call "[MODNAME].bat" (without "[" and "]"!):
@echo off start StrandedII.exe -win -mod "[MODNAME]" exit
when opening the mod folder in (2) again you'll see this afterwards:
at the end you can delete the packed files from (1) and only the folder (2) remains.
All I had to do was copy all the kidnap content into the stranded 2 folder except the adventure folder (that's where the problem was).
So after doing that, I went into the kidnap's adventure folder, copied map001 (wich replaced the first island from the original adventure) and placed into the maps folder.
I have to play the kidnap mod as a single island (wich doesn't matter since it's just one island anyway).
I kept kidnap's features and 3's yatch adventure at the same time.
do not open the following spoiler unless you really want do cheat!
hmmm i seemed to run into a little problem...i do the code correcly but sometimes the value dissapears and when i click the skill it wont show me when what is when i can plant trees or dig out simply dissapears...can you give me the correct names for the skills? i just dont seem to understand how it goes *fish or fishing? dig or digging? and etc.*
edited 1×, last 11.02.11 07:23:18 pm
If you can't execute the script properly you could just use the "give item" cheat and plant grain all over the island or kill all the trees with fire arrows and a crystal sword...