Castero66 has written
Umm how did u do? 

diff types of wands (some cast fire magic and some are used for summoning) diff types of books (book of meteor, book of blizzard) or on:attack2 of bows for archery magic
$s2g_firesuccess++ or $s2g_firesuccess=$s2g_firesuccess+10
on:create { timer "self", 500, 9, dec; $alpha=9; --> every unit's alpha gets normalized... :notok: } on:dec { $alpha--; --> every unit's alpha gets decreased... :notok: alpha 0.$alpha; if ($alpha==0) { free "self"; }}
//Berry 			}elseif ($item==46){ 				if (skillvalue("plant")>=50){ 					if ($y>0){ 						if (freespace($x,$y,$z,30,1,0,0,0)){ 							freestored "unit",1,46,1; 							$id=create("object",46,$x,$z); 							spawntimer $id,-9; 							process "planting berry bush",400; 							play "dig.wav"; 							play "mat_leaf1.wav"; 							event "iskill_plant","global"; 						}else{
### Berry Bush id=46 name=Berry Bush group=bush icon=gfx\berrybush.bmp model=gfx\bush12.b3d fx=16 scale=0.5 col=0 health=150 find=15,20,1 autofade=300 spawn=46,3,10,5,10,3,5 mat=leaf growtime=10 script=start 	on:plant { 		spawntimer "self",-9; 	} script=end
on:start { 	addstate "object",1,8; 	addstate "object",1,25; 	addstate "object",1,17; } on:create { event "start"; } on:spawn { event "start"; } on:build { event "start"; } on:use { 	if (playergotitem(250) > "0" ) { 		dialoge "start","sys\scripts\tempel.txt"; 	} else { msg "!3Jeg trenger en stav"; 		msg "!3for ä drive trolldom"; } } script=end