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English Scripting Questions

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old Re: Scripting Questions

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Flametail has written
Vectar666 has written
Hmm... You quoted PM. Do you think that it is violation of Privacy policy?(or i dont know how it is named)No, I am not asking any moderator to mark it, but keep that in mind

Hmm, sorry. I've seen it done before on this forum so I thought it was OK. either way, how else did you expect them to believe that you werent going to do it?

I could say it myself

old Re: Scripting Questions

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Vectar666 has written
Flametail has written
Vectar666 has written
Hmm... You quoted PM. Do you think that it is violation of Privacy policy?(or i dont know how it is named)No, I am not asking any moderator to mark it, but keep that in mind

Hmm, sorry. I've seen it done before on this forum so I thought it was OK. either way, how else did you expect them to believe that you werent going to do it?

I could say it myself

If you were, then you would have done it before.

Anyone? No one else is able to re-model the house?

old Re: Scripting Questions

User Off Offline

Flametail has written
Vectar666 has written
Flametail has written
Vectar666 has written
Hmm... You quoted PM. Do you think that it is violation of Privacy policy?(or i dont know how it is named)No, I am not asking any moderator to mark it, but keep that in mind

Hmm, sorry. I've seen it done before on this forum so I thought it was OK. either way, how else did you expect them to believe that you werent going to do it?

I could say it myself

If you were, then you would have done it before.

Anyone? No one else is able to re-model the house?

OK. I'll give you a hand, but you have to be really descriptive about what you want with me. As my Anaconda model shows, I don't do things in minor detail.
Do you want:
-A house that has an operable door that allows you to walk into or a house that when you use it loads you inside the house as a new map?
-A house made from wood logs, concrete, bamboo?
-A house with windows and if so, how many an where?
-A standard 4-sided house?
-A porch?

Lots of questions. Give me a description and I will make you a model tailored to that description. If you don't like the model, then you didn't describe it all that well.

old Re: Scripting Questions

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Vectar666 has written
I thought that it is house, look like house from stranded2

Hold on. I hope were not back at the beginning where we were talking about making the stranded II house enterable, because if we are, then, there's no need to model anything. We talked about this and concluded that the best method for turning THAT house into a usable player house was to copy it and give it an on:use{loadmap} event...

I thought you wanted a NEW house model made...

old Re: Scripting Questions

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Psytechnic has written
Vectar666 has written
I thought that it is house, look like house from stranded2

Hold on. I hope were not back at the beginning where we were talking about making the stranded II house enterable, because if we are, then, there's no need to model anything. We talked about this and concluded that the best method for turning THAT house into a usable player house was to copy it and give it an on:use{loadmap} event...

I thought you wanted a NEW house model made...

I was just telling him that but he didnt even listened to me
new model would require quite a hard work which i would not even do in my dreams
The loadmap stuff would do some shitty things sometime but nothing serious
it would just require modelling a roof and walls
and it wont save you from raptors

old Re: Scripting Questions

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Flametail has written
ok, another long post as I piece together what you are trying to do.

You want to replace the current model of the house with one that includes an interior, and have a second copy of that model but with an open door.

These new models will be scripted to function like a gate does. On use it switches the current model to the one with the open door and vice versa.

Pretty much, players uses the door by pressing {usekey}, the model of closed door house is replaced with model of open door house. Player enters the house via open door. Player can then turn around and hit {usekey} and the model of open door house is switched with closed door house, therebye shutting the player in the house.

NOTE: {usekey} is the key you press to use items, which for me is rightshift, but I forgot the defualt so I put {usekey} in the desription

I had asked if this is what we were trying to do, and I was told yes. So, to do this, we need the current house model to be modified to have an interior, and then copy that file and rename it, and remove the door from that file

If you would truly like to make a new model, instead of just editing(which seems to me to be easier), let me know.

old Re: Scripting Questions

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Flametail has written
Flametail has written
ok, another long post as I piece together what you are trying to do.

You want to replace the current model of the house with one that includes an interior, and have a second copy of that model but with an open door.

These new models will be scripted to function like a gate does. On use it switches the current model to the one with the open door and vice versa.

Pretty much, players uses the door by pressing {usekey}, the model of closed door house is replaced with model of open door house. Player enters the house via open door. Player can then turn around and hit {usekey} and the model of open door house is switched with closed door house, therebye shutting the player in the house.

NOTE: {usekey} is the key you press to use items, which for me is rightshift, but I forgot the defualt so I put {usekey} in the desription

I had asked if this is what we were trying to do, and I was told yes. So, to do this, we need the current house model to be modified to have an interior, and then copy that file and rename it, and remove the door from that file

If you would truly like to make a new model, instead of just editing(which seems to me to be easier), let me know.

Right... This can be done in 2 ways.
1: make a model for house with door open and house with door closed, then swap them on usekey.
2: (preferred but harder) create a house object with a hollow door and make a door object as well, then on build house, place the door object as well, then, on use door, you can rotate it's position, effectively removing the need for swapping models. The other added advantage is that the house's on:use event remains clear for other use.

Oh... and by the way
I had asked if this is what we were trying to do, and I was told yes.

We're not TELLING you anything. We're ASKING what you want. We have presented two methods of achieving the same thing with different pros and cons. We're asking YOU to decide what you want.

old Re: Scripting Questions

User Off Offline

Psytechnic has written
Flametail has written
Flametail has written
ok, another long post as I piece together what you are trying to do.

You want to replace the current model of the house with one that includes an interior, and have a second copy of that model but with an open door.

These new models will be scripted to function like a gate does. On use it switches the current model to the one with the open door and vice versa.

Pretty much, players uses the door by pressing {usekey}, the model of closed door house is replaced with model of open door house. Player enters the house via open door. Player can then turn around and hit {usekey} and the model of open door house is switched with closed door house, therebye shutting the player in the house.

NOTE: {usekey} is the key you press to use items, which for me is rightshift, but I forgot the defualt so I put {usekey} in the desription

I had asked if this is what we were trying to do, and I was told yes. So, to do this, we need the current house model to be modified to have an interior, and then copy that file and rename it, and remove the door from that file

If you would truly like to make a new model, instead of just editing(which seems to me to be easier), let me know.

Right... This can be done in 2 ways.
1: make a model for house with door open and house with door closed, then swap them on usekey.
2: (preferred but harder) create a house object with a hollow door and make a door object as well, then on build house, place the door object as well, then, on use door, you can rotate it's position, effectively removing the need for swapping models. The other added advantage is that the house's on:use event remains clear for other use.

Oh... and by the way
I had asked if this is what we were trying to do, and I was told yes.

We're not TELLING you anything. We're ASKING what you want. We have presented two methods of achieving the same thing with different pros and cons. We're asking YOU to decide what you want.

I was trying to be fair and let YOU decide how you want to do it, then meet at a compromise. But, if you want me to decide, then I choose method 2.

old Re: Scripting Questions

User Off Offline

I have question.How do this:I start game.Now loading.And when is loaded first part,you can see logo Unreal Software.How do three logos on strart?

old Re: Scripting Questions

Admin Off Offline

this part is not scriptable. you can't change it (only with sourcecode or by changing the logo image)

old Re: Scripting Questions

The Second
User Off Offline

How can I make this: When the player is too near to an unit, the unit explodes. What script i need to use?

old Re: Scripting Questions

User Off Offline

You could use the closekill behavior and in the script
explosion (getx ("self"),gety ("self"),getz ("self"),RADIUS,DAMAGE,3;

old Re: Scripting Questions

The Second
User Off Offline

Ok thanks
I'm too stuck with my map's scripts. Everytime I make a msgbox with buttons, it just shows the first word of the text, example if I write:
msgbox "???";
button 0, Buy something, 22"buy";
And in game there just is the button icon and word "Buy". But the button's script works when clicked...

old Re: Scripting Questions

User Off Offline

Does anybody have a program that will load B3D and 3ds models, and take a screenshot of them at exactly 40x40 pixels so that the screen shot can be used for a icon?
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