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English Jockmo's Bae Mod -New Release!-

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What would like to see in the next release?

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Finish the nature skill!
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Flesh out fishing and aquatic stuff!
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More items and combinations!
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More skills!
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More building interactions!
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19 votes cast

old Poll Jockmo's Bae Mod -New Release!-

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Here's the new version, this is a BETA. There are a lot of things that simply won't work, but all the vanilla stuff and plenty of new stuff should.

The changelog on this page won't be as in-depth anymore. The Read Me that comes with the mod will handle that.

Jockmo's Bae Mod. Named by the intimidating mind-power of Tanzan.

Skip this if you don't care about where the mod came from, but you'll probably want to read everything, there are some very significant changes that WILL frustrate you if you don't know about them.

Well, like anyone who plays a game for a decent amount of time, I found that Stranded 2 lacked a few things that I wanted. So I paid a visit to the stranded forums and found some mods. These mods, while great in each of their own aspects, weren't at all what I was looking for. I didn't want to forge armor, or build entire houses. I didn't want to create dynamite, or kill things while flying in a hang glider. I didn't want to create guns from raw materials, or become a stranded uber-chef, cooking everything in-sight into amazing dishes. These are all great ideas, and their creators are very talented, but I don't like these kinds of features. I wanted something that would expand the playability of stranded while keeping in the spirit of the actual game.

My original plan wasn't to make a mod. Like anyone, I learned to change the game to do what I want for myself, not for other people. Yet, I soon realized that the number of things I'd changed had become quite significant, so I stopped modding for simply what I wanted, and started thinking about what other people would like as well. I changed a few variables until they made sense to me, added a combination or forty to streamline some items, and added a few things that are entirely new.

Nothing in this mod is taken from anyone else. If you think that something is, then you're wrong.

I wanted to learn how to mod, not how to copy and paste. All of the things in this mod came from me, though I wouldn't be surprised if someone else already made many of them in their own mods. If you like it, you can thank the wonderful people that helped me out in the scripting questions forum. While I was admittedly left hanging at some points and had to get off my ass to figure some problems out for myself, I wouldn't have gotten very far at all if they hadn't helped with most of my questions.

Thanks so much for your help with my ghastly scripts;
DontKnowToScript (Hyper-ironic name?)
Raven Shadow
My friend, Raymond, for suggesting the removal of a certain line that was absolutely destroying my bottle feature. (Even if I didn't even consider it until I'd run out of other things to try. Sorry, Ray.)

Finally, this isn't a story mod, this mod was made solely to expand the original game. I won't be releasing a map, because all the maps I play are randomly generated with a couple of edits here and there. To enjoy this mod to its full potential, generate a random map, make whatever changes you like, throw in some bottles (for the love of God, throw in some bottles!) and play!

Upon release, I give permission to use anything from this mod for your game or mod. Credit to me would be nice, though.

So, here's (more or less) the entire changelog.

Combination Changes/Additions

•Added more combinations for splinting and bandaging.

•Added a vine to the combination for a hammer, you can also use a cord.

•Added another combination for the arrow.

•Added more combinations for poison and fire arrows.

•Added stone to clawspear combination.

•Added the ability to simply combine a spear and four claws to get a clawspear.

New Creatures

•Added both Giant Spiders and Spider Caves (scaled down cave model) that spawn them daily.

•Added Poison Scorpion

New Items

•Added the Firefly Lantern.

•Added Mushroom Juice

•Added poisoned spears and clawspears, along with respective combinations.

•Added Bone Shards.

•Added Bone Arrows.

New Objects

•Added large variants of every kind of tree excluding the pine, palm and liana trees.

•Added Mushroom Patch

General Gameplay Changes/Additions

•Added chance of bleeding to Claw Monkey's attack.

•Removed intoxication from original scorpion's attack and raised its damage to 2. Also removed poison from its loot list.

•Added a bottle to every combination that gives a liquid. A bottle is left over whenever a liquid is consumed.

•Added ability to catch all small animals without killing them using the net. (First thing I learned to script, yay!)

•Added 1 in 200 chance of some tools and weapons breaking during use.


•Darkened color of pebble model to distinguish from bone shards.

•Added another type of mushroom to the digging scripts for some variance.

•Added some bones to the loot lists for several creatures, since they have some basic use now.

•Reduced Seastar damage to 1.

•Removed fountains from normal and hard random maps.

That's all for now! I plan to add a lot more to this mod, so throw some ideas my way if you think they'll fit in. Suggestions and ideas for changes, omissions, or additions are more than welcome!


Sorry you have to use links, it just won't let me update if I use image tags, though.

A shot of the new trees, I think they really help to make the island a bit more dense.

One of the new Giant Spiders and its cave.

A giant spider's inventory, showing the new venom gland item.

The new Mushroom Juice item. You can also see three caught spiders in my inventory as well!

More pics to come!
edited 16×, last 12.05.09 09:43:58 pm

old Re: Jockmo's Bae Mod -New Release!-

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DontKnowToScript has written
also,give a credit to hudajan too. (i think he helped you a little)

Oh, my you're right, I missed him completely, my apologies if he's ever to read this.

Also, for anyone in the credits, I'd be happy to place what you helped with after your name if you'd be so kind as to recall for me, but at least everyone's up there (Hopefully). I'm sorry but I really can't go through the forum again and fill all that in without making someone angry.

old Re: Jockmo's Bae Mod -New Release!-

Super User Off Offline

Hmm, your ideas looks quite cool. But if you relesed some screenshots, it'd be great
Anyway, I have no idea what I've helped with, never mind
Anyway, DontKnowToScript: cool avatar! (bamboo_dry.jpg )

old Re: Jockmo's Bae Mod -New Release!-

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HudaJan has written
DKTS: But I like it
and yes, some screenshots, or even video would be good, cause we'd know what can we look forward to

Oh sure, I'm no good with videos, but I can definitely get some screenshots up for you guys. Item combos, creatures, stuff like that. I'll have them up soon.

old Re: Jockmo's Bae Mod -New Release!-

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I thought the armour was a good idea... Anyway, I've said this many times(no offense), but joining mods and working together is much more efficient and fun for the players. So, inform me.

old Re: Jockmo's Bae Mod -New Release!-

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Bloodshot has written
I thought the armour was a good idea.

It's a great idea, and I'm positive that a lot of people like it, but it's not my preference. I mean no offense in saying I don't want armor or any feature. I of course don't mean to say that they're bad ideas. I thought I'd made this clear, and I'm sorry if you've misunderstood me.

Bloodshot has written
Anyway, I've said this many times(no offense), but joining mods and working together is much more efficient and fun for the players. So, inform me.

I don't necessarily agree with you on that point. While I do agree that most players enjoy all the content they can get, some of them (like me. :D) want an experience that tries to improve the vanilla game without making things too complicated. Which is why I've said more than once that I won't be working with other mods. Anyone will be welcome to use these features in their mods when I release them, but this is for people like me.

If anyone would enjoy helping me with this mod, and they like what I'm doing with it, they can help in any way they can and I'll see if I can use it, but I won't be collaborating with other modders in the near future.

old Re: Jockmo's Bae Mod -New Release!-

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DontKnowToScript has written
jockmo,y wont u want to combine mods?

Well, I don't really like what the other mods do to the game. I'd like to keep things small-scale and tidy. While I hope that the mod can grow and become something with it's own personality, I won't be trying to change everything that made Stranded what it was to me.

The other mods are more than welcome to use my scripts with credit to me though, so it's no problem.

DontKnowToScript has written
garfield:i think another way to cure poison would be good too. unless your a cheater.

Poison is admittedly a problem if it happens early in the game. Perhaps I'll do something with mushrooms and bluegrass or something like that.

Maximum Frustration has written
P.S. oh and the thing where you have to have a bottle to make a liquid, genius.(I like realistic games)

Haha, thanks, but I'm pretty sure that it has been done by some other mods a long time before mine, so maybe not that ingenious.

Maximum Frustration has written
If youre good at modding, I have an idea. Automatic pistol. Combind pistol, Iron Rod, and hammer. The rest is up to you.

Good idea! But I don't think I'll be implementing any more firearms than Stranded already has. I'd suggest this to someone with a much larger mod, such as Builder or HudaJan, but I don't really know if they're into that either. Can't hurt to ask, though.

HudaJan has written
Hmm, I can help when you have scripting problems

That'd be awesome of you, when I have problems, they'll go in scripting questions. If you're hanging out there, help would be much appreciated.
edited 1×, last 14.09.08 10:10:14 pm

old Re: Jockmo's Bae Mod -New Release!-

Super User Off Offline

jockmo42 has written
That'd be awesome of you, when I have problems, they'll go in scripting questions. If you're hanging out there, help would be much appreciated.

You can count on me.
We like new people who are delighted with moding and quick to learn

old Re: Jockmo's Bae Mod -New Release!-

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HudaJan has written
jockmo42 has written
That'd be awesome of you, when I have problems, they'll go in scripting questions. If you're hanging out there, help would be much appreciated.

You can count on me.
We like new people who are delighted with moding and quick to learn

Haha, I wouldn't say I'm quick to learn, but I do find it very satisfying to make something work the way I want it to, no matter how long it takes.
edited 1×, last 15.09.08 07:57:14 am
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