The changelog on this page won't be as in-depth anymore. The Read Me that comes with the mod will handle that.
Jockmo's Bae Mod. Named by the intimidating mind-power of Tanzan.
Skip this if you don't care about where the mod came from, but you'll probably want to read everything, there are some very significant changes that WILL frustrate you if you don't know about them.
Well, like anyone who plays a game for a decent amount of time, I found that Stranded 2 lacked a few things that I wanted. So I paid a visit to the stranded forums and found some mods. These mods, while great in each of their own aspects, weren't at all what I was looking for. I didn't want to forge armor, or build entire houses. I didn't want to create dynamite, or kill things while flying in a hang glider. I didn't want to create guns from raw materials, or become a stranded uber-chef, cooking everything in-sight into amazing dishes. These are all great ideas, and their creators are very talented, but I don't like these kinds of features. I wanted something that would expand the playability of stranded while keeping in the spirit of the actual game.
My original plan wasn't to make a mod. Like anyone, I learned to change the game to do what I want for myself, not for other people. Yet, I soon realized that the number of things I'd changed had become quite significant, so I stopped modding for simply what I wanted, and started thinking about what other people would like as well. I changed a few variables until they made sense to me, added a combination or forty to streamline some items, and added a few things that are entirely new.
Nothing in this mod is taken from anyone else. If you think that something is, then you're wrong.
I wanted to learn how to mod, not how to copy and paste. All of the things in this mod came from me, though I wouldn't be surprised if someone else already made many of them in their own mods. If you like it, you can thank the wonderful people that helped me out in the scripting questions forum. While I was admittedly left hanging at some points and had to get off my ass to figure some problems out for myself, I wouldn't have gotten very far at all if they hadn't helped with most of my questions.
Thanks so much for your help with my ghastly scripts;
DontKnowToScript (Hyper-ironic name?)
Raven Shadow
My friend, Raymond, for suggesting the removal of a certain line that was absolutely destroying my bottle feature. (Even if I didn't even consider it until I'd run out of other things to try. Sorry, Ray.)
Finally, this isn't a story mod, this mod was made solely to expand the original game. I won't be releasing a map, because all the maps I play are randomly generated with a couple of edits here and there. To enjoy this mod to its full potential, generate a random map, make whatever changes you like, throw in some bottles (for the love of God, throw in some bottles!) and play!
Upon release, I give permission to use anything from this mod for your game or mod. Credit to me would be nice, though.
So, here's (more or less) the entire changelog.
Combination Changes/Additions

New Creatures

New Items

New Objects

General Gameplay Changes/Additions


That's all for now! I plan to add a lot more to this mod, so throw some ideas my way if you think they'll fit in. Suggestions and ideas for changes, omissions, or additions are more than welcome!
Sorry you have to use links, it just won't let me update if I use image tags, though.
A shot of the new trees, I think they really help to make the island a bit more dense.
One of the new Giant Spiders and its cave.
A giant spider's inventory, showing the new venom gland item.
The new Mushroom Juice item. You can also see three caught spiders in my inventory as well!
More pics to come!
edited 16×, last 12.05.09 09:43:58 pm