
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > 2Gen's Battle Royale (PUBG+Fortnite) v1.1
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Englisch 2Gen's Battle Royale (PUBG+Fortnite) v1.1 >

36 Kommentare431 kb, 909 Downloads

alt 2Gen's Battle Royale (PUBG+Fortnite) v1.1

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• There you will find Battle Royale mod for your server.

> Features:

- Dead zone that shrinking (random spawn in the central part of the map at round start, changing position with each shrink)

- Random player spawn (with a certain distance from each other, so the two players will never spawn in one place)

- Random loot crates (boxes with weapons, come closer and press E to get random drops, more powerful weapons/equipment are more rare, guns will spawn with an empty clip and 50% ammunition (awp-20 ammo, rifles- 60, m249- 120)

- Map with mark of safe area and player mark (press X to open)

- Intuitive game ui (hud and new large health bar in the middle of the bottom of the screen)

- No chance for trolling players (the last smallest zone includes a timer (90sec), after which last idle players will get damage)

- Big (but not very) map 200x200 in stalker style for your battles (!

- Different sounds (at death, at coming of a zone, at a damage by a zone etc)

- Simple config file for some settings

ATTENTION: my programming level is very average, so I hope you will help me to fix bugs if you find it and improve code (tested a lot, should be very stable)

√ Installation:
- Copy all files with replacement
- Add a string in your sys/lua/server.lua
- Open pubg_config.lua and edit your settings (if you want it)

Spoiler >

See more my files S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Anomalies script and 64x64 Mixed Tileset
11× editiert, zuletzt 11.12.17 09:45:15
Zugelassen von Yates

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431 kb, 909 Downloads


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@user _Lima_:
Just cause your map is too small. I recommend to use the map with at least 200x200 size or reduce the amount of random spawning of loot crates or reduce the distance between the random players spawns (or disable random spawn function). You can do it in config file.

@user Bipbip:
No.In the script there are one type of boxes which drops all types of equipment like ammo, bandages, rifles, pistols. There is no need to make several types of boxes that will drop only pistols or just medkits. You can just set up the drop rate of any thing.

@user badx kissed:
"Why No ADmin"
What do you mean?

@user xJeSuSx:
En el juego como un todo hay muy pocos servidores y no mucho jugadores. Ella perdió su popularidad. La mayoría de las personas solo crean clásicos servidores sin scripts y están contentos con eso.

@user HOLOgraphicSky:
I didn't leaving the cs2d community, but just took a break and I don't care about trolling comments.

@user Ranu:
Client has limits for files size, which downloading from the server (Options>Net>Download files). This is client's choice and you can not force upload this file


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Ho... ho... Omg... like script!
Ich mag es!

alt Why

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Why when I use other maps my server freezes and it must be restarted?
Ich mag es!


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@user 2Gen: Not bad, Also a suggestion could you add weapon boxes (e.g: equipment box)
Ich mag es!
1× editiert, zuletzt 10.03.20 22:50:30


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hay algun server vivo de br2d? es que entre a jugar y no conseguí nada, me puedes explicar sobre como poner el lua es que no se nada de eso y me gustaria jugarlo , Gracias por adelantado -xJeSúSx-
Ich mag es!


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Script looks cool and not simple. I see people with bad comments (like @user Yates:) they just ruin the game community when they hate really good mods, which appear so rarely for this forgotten game so a lot of content makers just leave this place. And I played it today at !PUBG! server, map is also good.
Ich mag es!


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Code >
Ich mag es!


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This is awesome! i can play battle royale!
Ich mag es!


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Thanks for the likes

@user 4Vendetta:
I don't recommend changing the size of zone sprite (there will be problems with the calculation of different values) But you can change its color. And I didn't understand about a game crash. What exactly happened and what did you change?


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edit: Is it possible to change the sprites without crashing the game? kkk
Ich mag es!
1× editiert, zuletzt 17.12.17 22:04:08


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Another great mode for my potato computer.
Ich mag es!


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good as always
Ich mag es!


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Well, about speed of the storm, anyone who wants to change it, you can do it in special config file (pubg_config.lua). Also you will find some other settings there.


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@user 2Gen: This is a well-deserved like. I'm not trying to make fun of you in any way.

user EngiN33R deleted the spam posts.
Ich mag es!


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@user Yates:
Dude, I did not beg for the likes. I just wanted to see an adequate rating in the comments. Now I see another joke from you after deleting a couple of our comments by moderators. (btw, about map, I will add a function to update it, but it was not planned to replace the standard minimap)


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Pretty awesome mod dude. I have a few suggestions though:

· The speed of the storm matches the player's speed perfectly, would be nice to have it go a little faster so people freak out a little when they are low on health.
· At the end, just before the final storm you have 90 seconds to kill each other. I can already see people trolling and waiting out the 90 seconds just to mess with other people waiting. Maybe let it shrink very slowly and change the default time to 30 seconds so it ends a bit quicker and they have less and less space to move if they want to try a knife fight.
· When using the map, I held down the button so I could see where I was going, it doesn't update. Maybe update it every few seconds if the button is held down?

Other than that, really cool! If no one else is interesting in hosting it I wouldn't mind.

Edit: I just noticed you can change the speed. The other two suggestions still stand though.
Ich mag es!

alt continued hype

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@user Mora: I also did not quite understand what you meant by "PUBG" if not a original game. What kind of "first PUBG mod" are you talking about? I don't see any other pubg mods at unrealsoftware. And yes, if you don't like pubg, it not a reason to hate cs2d mods about pubg. I also don't like pubg and pvp games generally, but I finished this script because I was interesting if I had enough skills to implement such difficult (for me) lua mod. I'm not even going to host a server with this mod.


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I loved your project, fascinating.
Take this cookie
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