
> > CS2D > Skins/Sprites > VX Glock

Englisch VX Glock >

2 Kommentare34 kb, 235 Downloads

alt VX Glock

the bamboozle
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This is a tactical Glock conversion heavily based on the AW custom "VX" tactical pistol carbine. Basically a Glock with some fancy attachments that make it resemble more like a SMG rather than a pistol. Not tested in game, you can make adjustments or changes if you want, it can be used as a pistol, a SMG, or even a custom weapon with some scripting. Please enjoy.
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Could you try HD pixelart? I mean 64x64 pixels, because I find you very good.
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I gave to say this is awesome glock!
saw myself such kits, looks cool

Google for "glock conversion roni" to see
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