Off Topic Program to do animationsProgram to do animations
5 replies 1
If You'd like to try making 3D animations -and learn how to operate a rather complex yet powerful program- , try blender.
Gimp G.A.P
Pivot stick figure animator
pivot is veryveryveryvery easy but it's old and doesnt have allot of abillities- it's more for the newbs
Gimp G.A.P is very complicated ( you MUST redraw every single frame by hand) -it's more for the complicated HD gif images
Stykz is like a super updated version of pivot it has ALLOOOTTT of features and is easy to use but is new and a bit buggy (depending on what your making) it's more for the newbs who want to make cool and quick anims.
I recommend you to use Stykz. I use it. I love it. You can make ultimately loads of stuff in like 10 minutes.
If, IF you find stykz too buggy then just use pivot ( i admit It enrages me allot! TIP: save your work every single minute or it's gone )
erm, bender is more complicated i think and he said he's BORED and i imagine by that that he wants something very quick to kill time...
I kinda find adobe flash weird; all of the anims I've seen made with it are kinda odd
when you are finish with your animation, you can convert them to GIF, a.k.a animation picture
and yes you can put them to your WMM or other movie maker