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English falshe flameing = falshe ban

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moved falshe flameing = falshe ban

BANNED Off Offline

really dont care if i get banned or not but idiots like on this site are....

this is unbeliwable frustrating site with buch of nerous sons of **** who act like heros who should avare they are act like ****

DC should do something with dumbases like that and stop mark peoples messges just like that he should see why people flame like that....cuz what is runing here is worst than in prisson

apocalipse of this site will be sooner than 2012 trust me

i think the ppl here get banned just like that becouse other players provoked the crap out of them and ppl who get banned beggin to be frustrated and nervous

DC if your read this i dont think this si good admission to this

for example mindset he act like litle ********* he sits on me like i would do something to him but he always act like dumb**** he flamed my inbox i reported to DC but he did nothing i know he is bussy now but.... this is just..frustrating why the heck cant he just get the *** of live me alien and sit down on his litle ***. I did not do to him nothing why the FUCK do he keep provoking me PLEASEE GUYS help me i had enoguth of this i really PISSED off every part of my body says me to read messages i just cant ignore them

i swear to god to make him STOP PLEEASEEE!
stoop it... MAKE HIM STOOOOPP!

i hate ignorant **** ***** ***** who just cant live me alone. I... I..i just had enought of this THATS IT!!

if i would see him in reall life i would PUNCH him in face as hardas i can than i would kick him ass when he would like on the ground.....

and SEE this dc mark my coment as flameing provokating but he dont look WHY have i DID it why AM wriet ALL OF THEASE POST..
edited 1×, last 21.08.10 09:26:01 pm
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