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old Profile suggestions

User Off Offline

I've checked the recent updates to the profiles (registered just in time) and I really like them. Flags and time settings.

But I would like to suggest a few more things to add there, if possible and when you, DC, don't have anything to do and have will for it.

1. Add a YouTube fied, just like the Facebook and Twitter fields. For example, I put there my account name which is "RodrigoXtr3m3" and it will link to
2. Add a Steam field, this is really popular and lots of people could add themselves as friends and stuff.
3. Re-add the annotations (as I discussed in another, now closed, thread). With BBCode support of course.
4. Make the signature field bigger, instead of just a line, which makes it harder to people manage their signatures.
5. Real name field; of course optional, because lots of people want to keep their privacy, but some of them, like me, may want to tell it (my nickname actually contains my name o_O) so they can call each other (outside threads to avoid confusion ofc) by their names (in PMs, IRC, etc.).
6. Brithdate field: a field where you can put your day, mouth and year of birth (make the year optional, so people can just have Day/Mouth in case they want) so everyone could know when is their friends birthdays (oh, and you should make a "no Happy Birthday threads" rule below that field). When the Newsletter feature (can't wait!) that you planned is a released, a special brithdayletter would be cool!

That's it, for now.
DC, please take in consideration this list and don't rush things out, add each feature calmly when you have time and patience.

Feedback is appreciated, and remember: these are just minor suggestions to make the profile even more complete and perfect (I'm a perfectionist)


old Re: Profile suggestions

Admin Off Offline

the time settings are there for months already...

1. I'll probably add that. good idea.

2. as said: exists already

3. probably not (because it has been abused a lot to show pointless crap and animated gif crap or whatever)

4. no, it's my intention to keep it small because a big field motivates people to write more stuff in it - but signatures should be as short as possible. huge signatures are a real nuisance in my eyes

5. probably not in order to protect privacy. real names are not relevant for this website. especially younger users might enter their data without thinking about the possible consequences.

6. I actually like the automated birthday mail idea. I dislike the idea to show the birthday due to the birthday-thread "problem" that you already mentioned. it's easier to simply have no birthday field

old Re: Profile suggestions

User Off Offline

Yasday has written
#2 is already done.

Oh, sorry, I was sleepy and tired when I wrote this.

DC has written
the time settings are there for months already...

Again, I'm sorry for the same reason I stated above. Besides, I just registered here. What I know today is from logging in to my friend's account (I know his password) Crazyx/Coldx but I didn't do much with it so I didn't pay attention to that and a few things.

DC has written
1. I'll probably add that. good idea.


DC has written
3. probably not (because it has been abused a lot to show pointless crap and animated gif crap or whatever)

Yes, well, couldn't you disable GIF there as you disabled in our avatars? Or just completely disable the [ img ] [ /img ] tags?

DC has written
4. no, it's my intention to keep it small because a big field motivates people to write more stuff in it - but signatures should be as short as possible. huge signatures are a real nuisance in my eyes

I didn't see things that way, but I now understand and agree with you.

DC has written
5. probably not in order to protect privacy. real names are not relevant for this website. especially younger users might enter their data without thinking about the possible consequences.

Like above, I now agree (although you can find the real name of those who put their Facebook/Twitters [unless they like choosing fake names]. And some have their name in their nicknames, like me. - but that doesn't matter).

DC has written
6. I actually like the automated birthday mail idea. I dislike the idea to show the birthday due to the birthday-thread "problem" that you already mentioned. it's easier to simply have no birthday field

Well, you could make it invisible to everyone but the user and admins/mods so the birthletter can be sent.

Thank you DC for spending your time answering me! If I have more suggestions I'll let you know here (so please don't close this thread).
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