Also, perhaps we can even create a few new rules along the way, such as:
If your first submission is a straight copy/paste/resize from Google images and other sources in and around the internet, you will be banned. Additionally, work that is obviously not your work will be removed. Enough of these, and you will be banned.
Stealing others works will result in your submission being removed. Enough of these, and you will be banned.
Posting mods containing other user's works without credit/permission will be removed. Enough of these, and you will be banned.
Negatively scored reviews with opinionated and worthless comments will be deleted. Enough of these, and you will be banned.
Swearing and using general offensive language used in a submission will cause your submission to be removed. Enough of these, and you will be banned.
*edit* Woops! Didn't know about the other forum until now. Thanks mods!