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closed moved So who's the moderator(s)? +Rule ideas

User Off Offline

Well, who moderates the submissions in the CS2D skins? Because I've seen ratings and comments disapearing.

Also, perhaps we can even create a few new rules along the way, such as:

° If your first submission is a straight copy/paste/resize from Google images and other sources in and around the internet, you will be banned. Additionally, work that is obviously not your work will be removed. Enough of these, and you will be banned.
° Stealing others works will result in your submission being removed. Enough of these, and you will be banned.
° Posting mods containing other user's works without credit/permission will be removed. Enough of these, and you will be banned.
° Negatively scored reviews with opinionated and worthless comments will be deleted. Enough of these, and you will be banned.
° Swearing and using general offensive language used in a submission will cause your submission to be removed. Enough of these, and you will be banned.

*edit* Woops! Didn't know about the other forum until now. Thanks mods!

old Re: So who's the moderator(s)? +Rule ideas

Admin Off Offline

all moderators (and admins) are able to care about this stuff.

all of these rules are actually (more or less) active already. they are all covered by the copyright infringement rules that you see when creating a new upload and/or by the general flame/spam rules.

it's hard to detect and care about all of these violations because there are many new files and even more new comments per day. I'm currently trying to increase the size of the moderator team as you might have noticed.

old Re: So who's the moderator(s)? +Rule ideas

User Off Offline

Well, that's kind of disappointing because I'm usually online all the time, and considering that I've been a spriter for about 4/5 years (and as such I can see whether something's a straight up resize or not), and that I don't really see anything being done about ripped, stolen or resized submissions.

Perhaps it's time to put a "RESIZES WILL GET YOU BANNED" title in the yellow box that's above the post when submitting a skin/mod.
edited 1×, last 12.06.11 12:05:12 pm

old Re: So who's the moderator(s)? +Rule ideas

Admin Off Offline

resizing = stealing = copyright infringement. which is forbidden. it's there in HUGE letters and with a blinking warning text. so how many fucking warnings should I add?! nobody cares! they don't fucking read it. believe me: that won't change anything.

old Re: So who's the moderator(s)? +Rule ideas

User Off Offline

That's so sad and true, and I feel your angst when it comes to that matter. It's frustrating to have to put it in dot points and still they don't get it.

Do you have moderators that live in Australia to take care of times when, say, a moderator in America would be asleep?

old Re: So who's the moderator(s)? +Rule ideas

Reviewer Off Offline

user Majatek has written
° Swearing and using general offensive language used in a submission will cause your submission to be removed. Enough of these, and you will be banned.

I disagree with this one, hehe.

old Re: So who's the moderator(s)? +Rule ideas

User Off Offline

user Yates has written
I disagree with this one, hehe.

I hope you're joking, for your safety of course.
Wouldn't want to be banned too soon, as it makes common sense not to use racist and offensive remarks on forums in general (trust me, I've seen a couple of submissions filled with profanities and everyone that voted preferred it that it didn't contain a single bit of it)

Alirghty then, I was just wondering.
But I don't think many users would mind the added insta-ban rule if the first submission is a resize. I've seen reviews of many-a-resize and I agree with all of those who are sick of it.
edited 1×, last 12.06.11 12:17:07 pm

old Re: So who's the moderator(s)? +Rule ideas

BANNED Off Offline

user Majatek has written
user Yates has written
I disagree with this one, hehe.

I hope you're joking, for your safety of course.
Wouldn't want to be banned too soon, as it makes common sense not to use racist and offensive remarks on forums in general (trust me, I've seen a couple of submissions filled with profanities and everyone that voted preferred it that it didn't contain a single bit of it)

lol, are you a pseudo-mod or whut?

old Re: So who's the moderator(s)? +Rule ideas

User Off Offline

user RAVENOUS has written
lol, are you a pseudo-mod or whut?

No, just genuinely concerned about what he's saying.

It's not nice seeing people think that it's okay to swear, especially on a public board, as it could lead to negative attention by a moderator, which could lead to the person who's acting offhandedly being banned.

old Re: So who's the moderator(s)? +Rule ideas

Admin Off Offline

@Yates: yeah would you mind to stop trolling now and forever? because that's actually spam and a rule violating. thanks.

I'm sensing a shitstorm so I'm going to close this.
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