For the most part the spam is coming from idiot kids who troll files for simply looking like or being re sized. They are also incapable of telling the difference between a good re size and the bad ones and are over all arrogant and disrespectful especially to new skin, map, sprite, exc. makers and are incapable of offering any real constructive criticism to even help the new guys improve.
For example Sim0n & Axel340 recently posted some re sized weapon skins that are good in terms of shape and scale. They are not over sized and make good templates for texture practice as well as base models for more custom weapons based on the same types of guns as their models.
M4A1 - by Sim0n~
USP - by Sim0n~
Glock - by Sim0n~
MP5K by Axel340
Just read the comments and you can see what I am talking about. Rarely if ever will you find and positive or constructive criticism.
I just want to see an end to this kind of behavior it discredits our community and in a way keeps us from gaining any more members and discredit those who just joined who could potential contribute to our already vast pool of custom content and mods.
We need a friendlier and constructive atmosphere for the new guys to ensure that CS2D does not die out in the long run