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old closed Cannot upload anything

User Off Offline

I have a problem in the file archive.
I try to upload a file and I wait 15 minutes and it says Error 400- Bad request.
Tell me what should I do?

It sucks because I had to write a long description twice, pfff...

old Re: Cannot upload anything

User Off Offline

Dude, you should upload quality files. As you may noticed, it's a bad request.
Go make some cool files NAO.

old Re: Cannot upload anything

Admin Off Offline

just try again. probably something timed out or the server was too busy or the connection was bad. those things happen. especially while uploading files.

old Re: Cannot upload anything

Admin Off Offline

ooops. we don't flame in this forum and we don't tell others to "gtfo". you both better read the god damn rules already.

old Re: Cannot upload anything

Admin Off Offline

this rule applies as well in this case. thanks for pointing that out. but no more off-topic please.

old Re: Cannot upload anything

User Off Offline

By that ''Gtfo'' I ment, Zero should stick to the point and at least try to help me.
Not to write some random comment.

old Re: Cannot upload anything

User Off Offline

user Yates has written
He told you to make better skins, if that's not helping well I don't know.

Uh, I'm not a skinner.
But I can do some little sprites when I cannot find some for my map.
I'm currently uploading my map, if it doesn't work, I'll try some other time.

It didn't fucking work, damn it...
I should try uploading a file from the other computer or try again...

2nd Edit-
I finally uploaded it:zm_island_of_the_dead
The problem was Firefox, I used Google Chrome to upload it.
DC, you may close this thread now.
edited 1×, last 21.03.12 09:06:42 pm
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