Tobey and I have had an idea to create a mod that will make CS2D into a MOBA game. The mod is already in development, however it is in early alpha stage.
I'm making it customizable to the fullest, basically making almost everything able to be changed by the user. You can make it into DotA, or LoL, or HoN, or whatever else you want. The default package will contain a copied Dota 2 version and a personally customized version.
Current list of developers:
EngiN33R - scripting
uprate6 - scripting
Flacko - scripting
Apache uwu - scripting
Tobey - mapping, graphics
Aether - mapping
Alistaire - graphics
Yates - mapping
palomino - legal counsel
Done so far:
Character selection. Big amount of characters per team - 100 pages per menu (or 100 pages per class - see below). Upon picking a character you will be prompted if you're sure you want to play that character. You may write 'repick' to change your selection, or 'confirm' to confirm it.
Customizable classes for each team. Similar to DotA's Strength, Agility and Intelligence classification. 100 pages of characters for each class, 9 classes max.
Character stats. So far based on DotA (Health, Mana, Armour, Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Magic Resistance, Movement Speed, Base and Increased Attack Speed etc.)
Completely customizable character skills (abilities). Unlimited amount of them can be added to a character. Called by means of writing 'skill [number]'. Upon activation perform a player-defined function. Chat commands may be binded to keys on your keyboard to add a more authentic feel.
To-Do List:
Implement creeps
Implement buyback
Implement items
Implement shops
Make stats completely customizable
Any suggestions are welcome, if you can come up with something worthy and new - we're sticking to universal MOBA standards, and since aside from core functionality most of the features are going to be customizable, generating ideas won't be as easy.
The above list may be modified at any time, check it before you generate or post your idea in this thread.
If you want to join the development team, post in this thread, your application will be considered.
I would like to announce that we're sharing the SVN repository for the mod. If you want to try the mod right now, you can download the latest version from the dev repo tree. Pay attention though, because it's often updated, so don't forget to update your local version regularly.
There is now an IRC channel for people who want to talk directly to developers about the mod or have problems with it. Link: irc://
Any kind of feedback on the mod is also welcome and appreciated.
edited 8×, last 25.07.12 12:00:45 pm