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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Assassin moder
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Yeah! Shadows If you need models or something, write PM

EDIT: Add " Stranded III - WIP" into Games section and voxel terrain with water reflection will be great but it takes very much memory ;/
edited 1×, last 19.08.12 02:45:00 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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I was hoping for it to be able to form caves with the terrain itself. But I guess making caves with rocks ain't so bad. I'm also looking forward to the adventures and hope there would be more action to it. By the way, I'll be going with the voxel terrain, it looks cool you know.
edited 1×, last 19.08.12 03:16:25 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Super User Off Offline

great news!

on the one hand I of course want the development to be as fast as possible so I can play the new game but on the other side I want it to still take a while so I'll have more time to work on my Stranded 2 mod some more

just a question about the highmap stuff: wouldnt it be possible to add multiple highmap layers (always staying in odd numbers) that can be connected at some points so there could be caves with a ceiling and ground down below the normal terrain?
I just dont find the solution of placing models of caves above the ground very satisfying... at least not in all cases.

also you should really add a Straded III section to the left side bar, user DC, that links to this and the other dev blog thread.

I might look into the milkshape exporter myself sometime. of course it would be best if I could also test the exported models right away ingame. so are you gonna release these development versions every now and then?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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A little suggestion that might fix your problem of not being able to have caves etc because of memory lag.

How about handling it the way Minecraft does? Minecraft has an inf size map, however only the land in which your standing and for a small distance around you is actually loaded and running. This of course might create problems with fields etc, but you may be able to use the system clock to fix some of those problems.

Just a small suggestion, don't try to render the entire island all at the same time, render a small portion of it.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Hurri04: Combining multiple terrain layers would be possible probably but it's also complicated to handle (in the editor as well as in automatic terrain generation). I prefer to keep it simple.
I'll release a download as soon as it makes sense.

@user Lion_Hearted: Of course I'm aware of this possibility but the resulting blocky look will still be there even with complicated smoothing attempts. Also I'm not trying to clone Minecraft here and digging and caves are not an essential feature for a survival game.
And about the suggestion not to render everything at once: I'm programming games for over 10 years now. You really don't have to tell me the totally obvious noob stuff...

My current plan is to have cave models at the top of the terrain as "portal" to an underground section which consists of models (and therefore allows all types of terrain shapes). This method splits overground and underground for best performance.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC has written
My current plan is to have cave models at the top of the terrain as "portal" to an underground section which consists of models (and therefore allows all types of terrain shapes). This method splits overground and underground for best performance.

Aw yeah, now that's what I'd like to see. Since most of the time S3 is all open space, it's good to be in tight spaces once in a while.
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