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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

I dont see any reason why I must not talk about the game, even though I think everybody knows I had no intention to make an AD.
There is no business competition or smth so I dont think your argument is valid.

Besides if there are rumors about 2-3 years (from now on) to full completion of SIII I think its just rational to look for other possibilities in this time.

But: DC must not (and surely wont) try to compete with "others", the originial style of Stranded is very important for me and I guess for many others of the Stranded community.

And tbh:
Nobody is playing Stranded because the graphics look so fancy. I play(ed) it because its a quite complex game with interesting mechanics and good potential for modding etc. And thats what DC is going for, I hope.

[Sry for spam, now btt]
edited 1×, last 18.01.15 10:56:53 am

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

@user GestrandetDrei: I guess I'm not talking about competition between developers but most of Stranded community that may left to Stranded Deep. Sometimes graphics win the battle between originality. I don't see your argument is valid either. But since you want to tell about the game to user DC so these argument maybe useless.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

user Dousea has written
@user GestrandetDrei: I guess I'm not talking about competition between developers but most of Stranded community that may left to Stranded Deep. Sometimes graphics win the battle between originality. I don't see your argument is valid either. But since you want to tell about the game to user DC so these argument maybe useless.

first of all wait for the release of Stranded Deep. Many Early Access games (especially survival games) are just horribly bad.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Good day, Gentlemen!

As polite as I always am, I would like to call the highly honoured "Stranded Deep" Developers ASSHOLES.
I don't really blame them for stealing the idea, but stealing the name.

Anyway, user DC, I hope you'll stalk the comments (on their blog and steam reviews) for new ideas. Dirty_tricks: mode ON.

To receive great help of our community, please, focus even more on modding. SD (Sloppy dumbgame) doesn't have mod support at the moment and it will take some time for them to get a modding community (not all to long though, cause they've such a big player base)

Good luck.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Reviewer Off Offline

@user DC: You ''As inventor and developer of the Stranded series'' didnt mind 2 aussies, using your Stranded series, but did they ask you or contacted you in anyway...but theres positive and negative. Just Askin.

Stranded III and Stranded Deep..oh god there will be problems rising up. 1 Highly good semi-bad Game and 2 Developer Aussies and theres 1 Man and 2/3 Stranded Series (1's in Development).

I wonder what the income of this will be.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Reviewer Off Offline

Not Trying to Break the Rule.

You Are right. There are similarity between the 2 Games. user DC has to take some action because its illegal for some 2 dev's to use the game name (Stranded) and Copy gameplay. without the permission"Creator/Inventor, Developer" of the Series.

And I know this is, thread tool Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments And user DC giving details and coming up. But..

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Stranded Deep is like a new stand-alone game from user DC. I laughed almost 1 minute because of the image that user DC gave. About the gameplay I think there're few similarities. I don't buy Stranded Deep, save the money for Stranded III (if it's not free).

I don't know anything about illegal copying name stuff but Stranded series are non-commercial game series so it's legal?
They use the name of Stranded Deep, not Stranded so it's legal?

Admin/mod comment

No reason to use a spoiler here. Removed /DC

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Well, if you want my 2 cents, here's the thing about taking legal action against the game's name: it takes a lot of time, is incredibly annoying, costly, probably won't gain DC all that much since he already stated that his stuff would be free and usually turns out to be bad PR for the ones placing the charges, especially against a title that just released and is getting a lot of attention.
EDIT: grammar

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

@user DC: I know that the client and the server will be both running each one with their own Lua States and their own scripts, but is there a way that some server scripts could be sent to the client via server transfer and then executed there?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user Starkkz: It probably wouldn't be very hard to implement that but of course a feature like this can easily become a major security risk. At the moment I can't tell if I'll allow this or not.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

@user DC: if it's about the script being able to access io/os functions, I could help you on that. I know some stuff about safety measures on Lua (within Lua code because I'm not used to C#).

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

Native OS functions won't be accessible anyway. But there are other functions like removing save games for instance which would have to be restricted some way.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

@user DC: It could be done in plain Lua. The problem is that if users do it by themselfes this wouldn't come by default on S3. I'm going to put an example of how it could be done.
-- We get a function that loads the Lua Script
Function, Error = loadfile("path")

if Error then
-- Checking that there aren't syntax errors wouldn't be a bad idea

-- Running this function by calling it directly as a normal function is a risk, so we must put it in a separate environment without access to the core functions.
Env = {}
Env._G = Env
Env.string = string
Env.table = table
Env.math = math
-- setfenv changes the "work place" of the function
setfenv(Function, Env)

-- Calling this function by "pcall" would be a great idea so we can output the errors on the console
Success, Error = pcall(Function)
if not Success then
-- output the error
Anyways, I'm going to lookup a bit more about this because Lua 5.1 allows you to do that, but Lua 5.2 might have changed this (which means UniLua wouldn't be able to do it either).

Edit: The Lua 5.2 implementation is a bit shorter. setfenv is unavailable as a function, but it is available on the loadfile function.
-- "bt" stands for loading as binary or as text.
Function = loadfile("path", "bt", Env)
edited 1×, last 31.01.15 03:18:39 pm
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