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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Reviewer Off Offline

I know we're not allowed (and it's quite annoying) to ask how long do you think is left to complete XYZ project.

But, what major components do you still have to make? This gives us a little idea without officially determining a release date.

It might seem like a sneaky way to ask, but don't take it the wrong way. I am intrigued.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

In Stranded 3, the hands of the player/survivor will be visible/shown or it will be same like in the previous games (Stranded 1 & 2)?

I dunno if it has been already asked (or probably asked but didn't get any answer or response by user DC) so I will still ask this question.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Starkkz: There is no hard coded map size limit and yes the map is split into chunks which in theory allows huge maps. I can't say for sure how large the maps can actually get on average PCs because I didn't test it enough. This also depends a lot on the memory management which is not final in the current version.

Fact is that:
• Maps can get multiple times larger then they were in Stranded II
• You will be able to have several distinct islands in one single map and you can go from one to another without seeing a loading screen. These islands can also be pretty far away from each other.

There won't be Minecrafts Far Lands There's just "endless" ocean at the edges of the map.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Reviewer Off Offline

user DC has written
There won't be Minecrafts Far Lands There's just "endless" ocean at the edges of the map.

Good. I'm glad they removed these in the PC and Xbox version of Minecraft, it used up so much memory it was unbelievable.

By the way, could you answer my question at the top of this page? Or do you not want to?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

I really don't want to but here you go: Nothing is done and it will take forever to finish it. Basically that. I'm working a lot on core engine stuff but the actual game is entirely missing.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

@user DC: I just got a doubt about the same thing again, the maps may be infinite but I imagine there's going to be a limit on multi-player, which is something I'm wondering.

Like in what scale are the meters/distance units, and how many bytes is the size of one of the components of a vector.

For example, when you send a object movement in game you'd send a X, Y, Z vector. The question is, what's the maximum and minimum value that one of these vector components can reach?

2 bytes / 65535 units, 3 bytes / 16777215 units?

Are they going to be signed numbers? Will the game send vectors with decimals?
edited 1×, last 06.09.15 03:39:45 am

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

Then that means a lot of years to go. I was expecting on 2019 or 2018 (this is just my prediction) S3 will be at least finished, but that's only a dream. Shall I should boost up my patience in the future.

Nevermind, I'd want from you if you respond to my question (the question is quoted from my previous reply), I'm really curious.
user GeoB99 has written
In Stranded 3, the hands of the player/survivor will be visible/shown or it will be same like in the previous games (Stranded 1 & 2)?

Why I ask that because I dug this thread and found a similar question but no answer or response from you.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

@user Starkkz: I actually never said that it will be infinite because it's obviously technically impossible to have a persistent infinite world. Every system has constraints and the value range limits in primitive data types are probably not the first constraints Stranded III would hit.

Unity 3D uses a float for each component of a vector and those will (in most cases) also be used for transmitting the data. The game world scale is simply 1 float unit (1.0) = 1 meter. You can calculate yourself how large the world can be in theory with that scale.

@user GeoB99: I'm planning to show the hands with the equipped tool/weapon.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

On C#, the maximum value for a float is set to float.MaxValue. Which is about.


If this is in meters as you stated, there are probably going to be maps of planetary dimensions. Which is... AMAZING!

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

I didn't write that "in theory" part in bold letters for fun I just wanted to point out that the value range constraints are not the limiting ones because they are - as you just found out - insanely high. Of course you also have to consider how much memory such a huge world requires + it must be loaded/saved/streamed and especially be updated in real time. At least the server must have all parts of it in its RAM. Or at least the parts where action is going on / with players nearby.

So no, maps won't have "planetary dimensions" and that's good because otherwise you wouldn't even find each other in multiplayer

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Also float has a huge loss of precision in big numbers - so there would theoretically be a map, but it would probably be "missing" certain parts.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

But at least bigger than most of the limited maps from other games, it's just another advantage, I bet there's going to be someone who will use this option some day. The point is that it can be done because it's available. Probably not in planetary dimensions but still big enough.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

user DC has written
@user GeoB99 I'm planning to show the hands with the equipped tool/weapon.

That sounds good to hear. There will be also an option in the Settings to disable (don't show the hands) or enable (show the hands) of the player?

Also it'll be possible to change the view camera from first person to third person view and viceversa via a command (though is too early to ask such a question in the core development stage)?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

@user aggelon: lel, why could I guess the engine alone from the screenshots?

IMHO, nothing special yet. Satellite data? Honestly, no one cares. Rig'n'roll 3 claimed to have travelled through Murica just to design "realistic" maps. Very important, much change.
Besides that, the savanna looks boring as always. Tropical islands are far more exciting \o/
// feeling like DC should block this thread from robots.txt as if we're talking top secret stuff :paranoia:
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