I noticed that some users don't know how to create a map export of their maps in CS2D.
So... Here's a guide on how to do it. Uhh. Enjoy

Step 1: Make a map. Simple enough, right? I guess it's not... Lets just leave it for another guide.
Step 2: Open the map
Now that you have the map, you can make a map export of it. Neat, huh? You begin doing this by:

Step 3: Make the export

Step 4: You're done. Show your map export to friends, people you need help from or upload it as one of the screenshots for your map upload.
I hope you learned how to make a map export. If not, post here what went wrong and I as well as other users will try to help you out.
edited 1×, last 01.06.15 07:25:54 pm