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English Morocco Independence Day

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old closed Morocco Independence Day

User Off Offline

the 18 November (which is today) is the Independence Day of Morocco
happy Morocco Independence Day to all US Moroccan Users and also users around world

old Re: Morocco Independence Day

User Off Offline

That country ain't independent since it has a king, and am sure it will never be since they made the normalization with zionists.

old Re: Morocco Independence Day

User Off Offline

There should be no place for anything politics-related on, as most people here are incapable of discussing them with respect towards others. This community is built around CS2D, a game played mostly by children, who are not exactly ready for politics and political discussion.

old Re: Morocco Independence Day

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

@user T-69, as a matter of fact, even most adults aren't ready for political discussions.

This thread should be locked as it presents no positive influence whatsoever.

old Re: Morocco Independence Day

Super User Off Offline

Even most politicians aren't really ready for political discussions, unsurprisingly. Politics and such are fairly pointless as they yield no net results in most cases. Strong opinions won't help you unless you live in a group of like-minded people. Since the internet doesn't have many of those, it doesn't help to use it to display opinions if they cannot be backed up by logic.

old Re: Morocco Independence Day

Moderator On Online

Makes me wonder why a thread of this kind exists when people are still behaving like kids. Nothing beneficial comes from this so I'm closing this thread.
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