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English CS2D v1.0.1.5 &

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old CS2D v1.0.1.5 &

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Another CS2D Update! Thanks again to user EngiN33R for his contributions! Also thanks to user Clotho who made me aware of some vulnerabilites. Last but not least thanks to user koldfreg1 for the new Albanian translation!
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Update: Unfortunately we introduced some bugs with so there's an hotfix update v
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edited 1×, last 28.03.25 11:13:32 pm

old Re: CS2D v1.0.1.5 &

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@user _oops: damn, forgot to update that one. And yes, online docs are not updated either.
@user pbeloto: Didn't know that he develops cheats. It doesn't really matter in this case though. He helped to make CS2D less vulnerable which is a good thing.

old Re: CS2D v1.0.1.5 &

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Actually there are some minor bugs that have been forgotten for a long time

Server Bugs :

1 - When you turn on recoil influences accuracy, the tesla coil doesn't work anymore
2 - You can't add more than 16 map to the map vote

Gameplay ( Hostage Rescue Mode ) :

1 - You can't rotate hostages in the map editor, even if you tried when you test the map they will still face random direction
2 - The bots can't shoot you if you were behind a hostage
3 - The hostages sometimes move through walls for some reason
4 - If you added a door ( Func_DynWall ) with trigger and closed it the hostages will either go through it or teleport outside the map
5 - Similar to Number 4, when you add ( Func_Teleport ) the hostages go outside the map

Gameplay ( Assassination Mode ) :

1 - The V.I.P can't rescue hostages or defuse bomb even though the V.I.P is on the CT side
2 - The Assassination Mode have some weird glitches while playing ( I can't remember all of it ) But i remember sometimes the V.I.P being unable to win even while reaching the rescue point

Well that's all I remember, There's more but I can't recall all of it

old Re: CS2D v1.0.1.5 &

Admin Off Offline

Sorry, forgot to upload the setup file. Now it's there. (btw: you can always also just load the zip version).

Regarding the footsteps: Oh that's wild. Is that a new issue?! Or was it always wrong

old Re: CS2D v1.0.1.5 &

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@user NanuPlayer: The thing is, only engin33r does some things every now and then, and the bugs that have been reported over the years have to be fixed by DC and not by him, this explains why there are still hundreds of bugs that have already been reported that are still in the game. And since we can't report/remember bugs that have already been reported, we're left with our hands tied waiting for DC to saw it and have it on his to-do list. But it is very unlikely that old bugs will be fixed because years and years have passed and they have not been fixed.

old Re: CS2D v1.0.1.5 &

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@user NanuPlayer: Short statement to the bugs you mentioned and why they still aren't fixed:

server bugs:
1. tesla coil (and also the whole recoil influences accuracy stuff): was added by user SQ and I don't really feel like digging into his code. It would cost me a lot of time to fix this. The weapon isn't important enough to justify this effort.
2. map vote count limit: That's not a bug but a technical limitation. Changing it would cost a lot of effort and therefore is unlikely to happen. You can easily work around this with custom voting Lua scripts. Or by just sticking to 16 maps - which should be enough for most servers.

all the hostage and VIP bugs: These game modes are super unpopular and therefore these bugs also have a super low prio and are not very likely to be fixed.

@user mrc: That's not true. Every dev having access to the code could fix the bugs in theory. It's just not a fun task so nobody really wants to do it. Especially if the bugs aren't critical. That's also why I didn't fix them yet.
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