Thanks again to EngiN33R for his contributions (marked with his name).
inentityzone now correctly handles custom area entities (EngiN33R) now returns proper values (EngiN33R)
Vulnerability which allowed crashing servers with forged UDP messages
Vulnerability which allowed to write downloaded files outside CS2D folder
Command "settile": New optional rotation, color (R,G,B) and blending params (EngiN33R)
Lua itemsat function to get table of items at specific tile (EngiN33R)
Lua imagehitzone 200 modes to define movement collisions (EngiN33R)
Lua frame hook with delta time parameter (EngiN33R)
Lua post_endround hook which triggers exactly at end of round (EngiN33R)
Albanian translation (thanks to koldfreg1)
use Lua imageshadow argument as shadow height (EngiN33R)