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Englisch downloading games from arcadetown

9 Antworten
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alt Re: downloading games from arcadetown

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skiper hat geschrieben
no on some games there isnt!
ps:i ask cuz i saw dicker sed

Your example is a online game. They won't let save you the game (semi-)permanently on your harddisk. Didn't see the link named Play Now - Free Online?

This game seems to be an Java applet. Won't be too easy to download it. Well, you can try to find the source code of the game and then compile it. Happy search...

alt Re: downloading games from arcadetown

User Off Offline

skiper hat geschrieben
oh man thank you for the info

ps:il never going to find the source

I think it's closed source. Try to simply download the the whole page (rightclick->Save Page... in Firefox) and you'll get both the jar-File and the additional class-File. Thoguh, I can't tell you wether it work offline or not, FF and Konqueror always crashed when I tried to open it

alt Re: downloading games from arcadetown

Moderator Off Offline

heres a solution, open the source for the html rendered (doesnt matter if its asp page) and look at the <embed> tag, or <obj> tag and then get that link, then go make a new page and put that as a link and once u done that open the page u created and ryt click save as the link
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